Jerome Valeska ~ Numb (Part 1)

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"Jim I have a young woman here, she was caught shooting herself should we bring her in.
We believe she might be a cause of the circus fire" said an officer as he stood beside Spinx as she sat on the ground with a blanket wrapped around her as she looked at nothing in particular with a blank inhuman expression.
'Yeah bring her in, just be careful.
If it's who I think it is she can be testy and may act out' said Jim through the intercom.
"Alright," said the officer before looking at her.
"Hey, look at me," said the officer.
She looked at him as her short rough-cut hair went into her face hiding her shell shocked dead eyes.
"Let's go," said the officer helping Spinx up as she looked at him with the same dead face that scared the officer as she was placed in the car.
The officer started driving as she looked around.
She slowly laid on the seats and looked at the seat in front of her eyes.
She had been through so much that people just didn't understand.
The ring leader married her at thirteen and raped her every day until she couldn't feel anything anymore.
Accepting it helped her avoid punishments but when she was punished her hands and ankles were broken and she would have to put them back into place.
The ring leader hit her causing her to find satisfaction and life inside horrific pain.
She stayed in the circus as a face painter but that was short-lived as her husband forced her to be a rope dancer because everyone would get to show off her body.
After a while, she started cutting herself and carving into her body because she hated her body.
Then at eighteen, she lit the entire circus on fire and now she slept in the back of a police car as tears fell from her eyes.
She wanted to die but the universe wouldn't let her.
Spinx ate poison and survived.
She overdosed and survived.
She slit every part of her body deep enough to leave a large scar and survived.
Maybe she was immortal or just lucky.
Suddenly she heard gunshots causing her to sit up.
Spinx broke the window and pressed her hands into the glass as she looked outside just to see ginger hair that she used to know.
Spinx laid back down as the car crashed.
Spinx shut her eyes as she made herself pass out to avoid causing a fight.
She wasn't a bad person she just did bad things to remove her trama.
The circus made her crazy so she burnt it down killing everyone that made her the way she was.

Hours passed as her eyes fluttered open.
She jumped up as she looked around not recognising the room.
She started to panic as she got up.
Spinx started biting her nail before ripping it off causing blood to drip onto the floor as she spat out the nail.
Suddenly the door opened as she grabbed a nail cutter.
"Hello Spinx, you may be wondering who I am-" said the man as she grabbed him, pinning him to the wall.
"I don't belong here," she said looking into his eyes.
"Im Theo Galavan and I've been freeing killers and maniacs to make Gotham new and you're the newest recruit.
You will get the best of the best.
I will make sure you get everything you didn't get in the circus" said Theo.
She suddenly took the nail clipper and placed it on his eyebrow before sliding it across his face ripping his complexion.
"Im sorry, I didn't know.
Come with me" said Theo looking into her angry eyes.
He saw how triggered she got from mentioning the circus.
She released him as she ducked down as her hair covered her face.
She was so anxious and always questioned herself.
"Come on," said Theo taking her hand as she pulled it back.
"D-Don't fucking touch me, I don't like physical contact," stuttered Spinx falling onto the bed as she looked at him.
"Good to know, now we should go," said Theo looking at her.
She stood up and followed him out of the room.
He watched how she walked.
It was like she was dead as he brought her into the living room.
"Everyone this is Spinx, she's your new friend oh and doesn't touch her she did this to me if you can believe it," said Theo.
One of the men inside the room laughed.
"What's funny?" said Spinx looking at him.
"Where did you find her?
She's tiny" he said.
"Enough Greenwood, where's Jerome?" said Theo causing her to freeze.
"Recognise the name?" said Theo.
It couldn't be him?
Jerome was arrested?
Spinx thought he was dead or in another country.
"Im right here" rang a masculine voice that made her whimper like a hurt cat.
He walked into the room and froze at the sight of the girl he used to play tag with when he was little and the girl that made sure he had the best birthdays and the best days.
He looked at her and knew the circus did something to her.
It made him angry.
"Spinxy?" said Jerome smiling.
"Hi Jerome," said Spinx tearing up.
"You two know each other?" said Theo acting like he didn't know.
"We were in the same circus," said Spinx walking to him.
She grabbed his wrist as he laughed.
She pulled him out of the room not wanting to be near Theo.
He was like the ring leader in many ways.
She took him to the room she was assigned before hugging him.
She sobbed into his should as he smiled and kissed her cheek.
"What did they do to you for you to turn out like this?" said Jerome in a different tone.
He sounded more happy and alive which made her happy.
"Who do you think?" she said looking into his eyes as her doe-like eyes melted to the sight of him.
She was alright with staying with Theo and other killers as long as Jerome was holding her throughout.
Because she trusted the ginger clown.

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