Dopamine || Poem #8

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It doesn't matter why I'm here, 

why my heart is crushing

 and my head is light. 

It doesn't matter that I was hooked on a combination of dopamine and norepinephrine 

and that my heart leapt and beat in every moment hilled with heat 

and a sense of fake passion. 

It doesn't matter that I was played like that song you just cant get out of your head

but annoys the hell out of you anyways,

and it definitely doesn't matter that we were more one sided than a masterpiece hanging on the gallery wall 

for everyone else to see. 

It still doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter why I'm here, 

why my heart is empty 

and my head is full. 

It doesn't matter that I was hooked on the idea that we'd be together until the sun collapsed 

and the earth went black 

and there was darkness again. 

It doesn't matter that you play like that song I just cant get out of my head 

even though I'm finally out of yours 

and it annoys the hell out of me.

And I still think about the faded scars and the long sleeve shirts, 

the glazed eyes and crooked smiles, 

and I think to myself all too often that every stitch in our veins was just another aid to our unraveling. 

Half English / Half CynicismWhere stories live. Discover now