27. Hallelujah!

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     Winston could smell and hear Rain long before he saw her.  He held himself back from approaching immediately since the two siblings were talking.  He was incredibly relieved knowing that Rain had regained herself. He wanted to talk to her and make sure she was alright.

     Winston heard Third's questions and was astonished that Rain didn't react.  He felt a little uncomfortable, but eliminated that unnecessary feeling.  If Rain was going to find a mate, than he would do anything to help.

     When Winston arrived, Rain refused to look him in the eye.  Winston grew immediately concerned.  Rain was never that reserved and the only other time he had seen her like that was after the crystal incident.  He was agitated, but would not show it.  He was tempted to question her, but was afraid he might upset her.  After several quiet moments passed, Winston was the first to speak.

     "I'm glad to see you are up Rain.  Is there anything you need or want?"  When he received no response, Winston lowered his body to match Rain's height.  "Please tell me if there is anything you are unsatisfied with.  If you can't tell me, will you tell Third?"  Winston had grown used to ordering others and tried his best to mind his words.

     Rain finally looked at Winston.  She had practiced what to say in her head, but now that he was here, she couldn't recall the words.  All of his actions and words were in consideration of her.  It left a heavy feeling in her heart.

     "I don't need anything right now.  You don't have to lower yourself, I'm not a cub."  Rain took a deep breath and wondered why she had to be so prickly.  She couldn't understand why it was so difficult to tell this beast that she appreciated him.  "Winston...Thank you for your help.  I will pay you back for everything."

     Rain watched as Winston blinked, his light grey orbs soon pierced hers.  His assessment lasted several moments and Rain maintained eye contact.  She wanted Winston to know that she meant what she said and would keep her promise whether he approved of not.  She unexpectedly felt a strange nervousness.

     Before Rain could figure out where that emotion came from, Winston ended their mutual silence.  "Would that make you happy?"  Rain's voice hitched in her throat as that same feeling increased.  She had expected Winston to oppose her and insist that it wasn't necessary for her to pay him back.  To her surprise, he accepted easily.  He was more concerned about her feelings.

     Rain's emotions were twirling around in an unfamiliar way and she wasn't sure what exactly was wrong.  Realizing that Winston was waiting for a response, Rain found words and replied.  "Yes, it would."

     Winston smiled a small, but gentle smile.  He was glad that Rain was talking to him.  He didn't want her to ignore him anymore.  Winston would rather she get angry at him and argue than remain quiet and unresponsive.

     Caught off guard by Winston's rare expression of emotion, Rain felt embarrassed on top of her growing nerves.  She wasn't sure what these new feelings meant and needed time to process them.

     Third glanced between Winston and his sister.  He had a fleeting feeling of being in the wrong place while watching the two interact.  Third tried to read his sister's emotions, but didn't come up with much.  He stared longer, hoping the answers would spontaneously enlighten him.  Of course, that didn't happen.

     Rain was mostly satisfied with the results of her self-assigned mission.  She had spoken to the two most important beasts and managed to say what she wanted to for the most part.  She excused herself and found a nice place to sit on her fourth floor.  She left the door open as an invitation for the two beasts.  She swore she could feel both of them staring at her, but ignored them to the best of her ability.

     The sky was partly cloudy and the temperature was not too hot for Rain.  She ended up dozing off for a couple of hours.  She woke up after sensing another presence.  She tasted the air and recognized the scent of the good doctor who treated her.  Rain thought that now was the best time to speak to him.  Rain glanced down from her spot and locked eyes with Harvey.

     Harvey's bright blue eyes stared at Rain with mild surprise followed by relief.  Rain debated for a few more moments before inviting him up.  Everyone was stupefied by Rain's action, but settled down since Harvey was a healer.

     Harvey approached Rain who watched his every move.  Feeling like he was prey, Harvey slowly drew towards her.  Rain did not react in any way and Harvey did not sense any irritation in her body language.

     "How do you feel Rain?"  Harvey asked seriously.  He quickly checked her condition and exhaled in relief.  Rain's bruises had fully healed.  Now his concern was her muscle condition and mental health.

     Rain gave the male a once over before responding.  He wasn't much taller than she was and he had less muscle mass than Third.  He was lean and toned with a very light tan.  His long blond hair was lighter than Thirds and had slight waves.  He walked carefully and hesitantly.  His demeanor screamed one of submission.

     "I feel a slight sting in my abdomen occasionally, but it's not debilitating and does not interfere with my movements."  Rain answered honestly.

     Harvey nodded his head and approved of Rain's candid reply.  "I recommend taking warm baths to relax the muscles and rest until you fully recover.  I can also give you golden root to massage the area with."  Harvey reached into his bag, pulled out the root in question, and taught Rain it's use.  His instructions were easy to understand and Rain accepted the medicine.

     Harvey got up to leave, but Rain stopped him.  "Harvey, do you have a moment?"  Rain was tempted to order him to stay, but she held back.  She didn't want to act like that towards someone who had helped her.

     Harvey didn't expect to be stopped.  Usually he would get kicked out by the females' family after they were treated by him.  He was aware that Rain situation was vastly different from all females he had treated before, so he recovered quickly from his initial surprise.  "Yes."  Harvey turned around and waited.

     Rain scented to the air again before standing up and facing Harvey.  She glanced down at her scaly half and worried if she should shift her tail into legs.  She determined that to be unnecessary as she had no bottoms to cover herself and hoped the leopard wouldn't mind it.  She asked him to wait a moment before retrieving the item she needed and returned to where Harvey was waiting.

     Winston listened and was grateful that Rain was being honest with Harvey.  She would likely not tell him or Third if something was bothering her.  He was going to prepare a fire and boil some water so Rain could bathe.  He retrieved the tub from the third floor a moment ago and carried the large stone like it weighed nothing.

     Third paced back and forth thinking up his master plan.  He was so pleased with himself.  He should probably worry about Rain's reaction once she heard of his scheme, but figured he'd rather just do it and deal with the consequences later.

     Brice had purposefully listened in on Rain and Harvey's conversation from a tree not far away.  He thought it was in bad taste, but was very concerned about Rain's health.  She had looked fairly healthy to him, but he wasn't a doctor.  Brice felt warmth crawl up his neck recalling that moment he saw her.  Why she brazenly walked around without coverings baffled him.  No females he knew were that...bold.  He felt that he should sew Rain some furs, but grew disheartened thinking that she would likely refuse them.

     Rain made up her mind.  She no longer felt the crystal's influence and had come to realize the current limit of her strength and ability.  She had thought a lot yesterday and the day prior before coming to a conclusion.  "Harvey, will you be my mate?"

     Thunk.  The stone basin Winston was carrying hit the ground.  Third tripped on air and hit the ground.  Brice fell off the tree and hit the ground.  Harvey almost hit the ground, but was saved by his quick reflexes.  Needless to say, none of the beasts present were expecting Rain to ask that question.

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