55. Clickity Clack

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3/5 Updates.  May 26th.

     Rain's recovery went well according to Harvey. Rain found the wooden stint attached to her tail vexing beyond belief. It would knock into everything and she couldn't move silently if she tried. The rest of her wounds healed quickly, but her broken tail was much too slow for her level of patience.

     Rain bathed in her tub and used the perfected soap that Isabella made. Rain didn't tell Isabella, but she loved the soap. She preferred more mild scents while Isabella like the floral kinds. Isabella's cart idea was being used to pull along goods in the more heavily trodden parts of the city. The horse beastmen took an especial liking to the idea.

     The ape king finally started moving, but it was to only gather black crystals. They could only formulate various theories as to why, but Winston was still being cautious. Rain turned her boredom towards Isabella and her own family. She could still mate like this, but Harvey scolded her. She had nothing to do, so she relied on Isabella for entertainment.

     Isabella had finally adapted to her life here. Rain was very much aware that she accepted her brother. Third essentially notified the whole city, to Isabella's horror. Rain smiled in thought. They both had their own families now. Isabella was even pregnant.

     Rain didn't know if the cubs were foxes or leopards, but she was sure it wasn't spiders. Isabella treated Ezra really well, but Rain wouldn't say it was how a female treated their mate. Rain felt as if she raised Ezra and it was strange to see him already mated. Rain was happy for them regardless.

     Rain decided to court Cain after all, but missed her chance. He found a female and was no longer single. Rain had gone to the city a few times to see if she could find any suitors, but felt ridiculous with the piece of wood dragging behind her. She had found a docile horse male and a small rabbit male that she thought to see more of, but she would never let them see her in this shape.

     If Winston accepted her, she may not need to take any other males. He was strong enough and so was she. Her family's power would be more than well established if she accepts both Asher and him. Still, It didn't hurt to keep her eyes open. The ape king's plot was still undetermined and she would likely have quite a few cubs to look after.

     Asher visited frequently and Rain welcomed him. She finally accepted him, but only verbally. Harvey's nagging still rang in her ears. She couldn't mate until she healed. She didn't want to be stuck with the stupid wood any longer than necessary. By the time she fully healed, she should have her cycle. She wasn't going to put effort into getting pregnant this time since her family was a good size with two litters still young.

     Even if that was her original intention, she imagined she would have a lot of energy to burn once she was able to. The rest of the family seemed aware of that and prepared accordingly.

     Time flew for everyone except Rain. Isabella thought her due date was coming too fast and often panicked. Isabella's males all tried their best, even Ezra, to calm her down. Rain's family prepared to welcome the bear male who would soon join their family while appeasing Rain's boredom. Rain's cubs all grew quickly surprising the family for only a moment.

     Snow and Cody's cubs both grew quickly. So did all of Bai's children, so they were mentally prepared. However, seeing was believing. Rain turned a lot of her attention to her cubs. She didn't have much else to do anyhow. She instructed them where she could and taught them anything she felt would help their chances of survival.

     Her cubs all desired physical and verbal affections. Rain wasn't usually keen on such things, but Isabella insisted that it would help them grow. Rain had retorted that their worlds and cultures were very different. Despite that, Rain did make a conscious effort to try. Her own mother's affections were pleasant, however fleeting they were. She wasn't willing to give those comforts to her children unless she would follow though with it.

Beauty and The Beasts: RainWhere stories live. Discover now