58. Author's Message

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     Hi dear readers! Thank you so much for supporting this fanfiction. It is the first one I started publishing and I'm pretty satisfied with the result. The word count exceeded 100,000, at 100,218. The first chapter was posted Feb 19th, 2022 and the last was posted today, May 26th, 2022.

     As I've mentioned before, I am planning on writing an epilogue chapter or two. In the comments below, feel free to put your requests in. I will write the first epilogue on the most popular pick. If the other characters chosen fall in line with the first, I can include snippets of them in the chapter too.

     For example, if the top choices are Brice and Vern, I can write both in the same chapter easily. They are both apart of the same family so it would work nicely. You can choose any character that appears in this story. 

     Also, I know I've taken a lot of creative liberties with this story. If there is anything that has confused you, please let me know. I will answer any questions, and can even post an update containing the major and minor changes I've made, that contrast with or were absent from the original work.


     I will be updating the summery and tags on this story. If you think there is something missing in the tags that you think should be there, please let me know. I plan to take off the mature tag as well, as I have not written any explicit content in this story. If anyone objects, please let me know why. I would appreciate it since I don't want the story flagged or reported.

     I will also go back and edit some details at one point or another. Example. going back and changing snowy season to cold season (from the earlier chapters).


     For a bit of fun, I wanted to tell you guys about my original plans that I had for this story. I find it funny how off my plans were compared to this creation and thought you guys may be amused too.

     First, before I started typing, Rain was supposed to be 28 years old and at three stripes. Second, she was only supposed to have 3-4 mates total. The only one I knew for sure, at the start, was Winston and maybe Harvey. By chapter 12, I planned to include Damon and Brice. As you read, that plan went well (sarcasm ensues).

     I only intended Rain's story to have 30 or so chapters and the last antagonist was supposed to be Snow, not the ape king. The ape king was only supposed to be mentioned in hindsight, not appear.

     Around chapter 25, I thought of writing a sequel with Third as a main character. Since Isabella dropped in and became a major side character, that wasn't necessary.

     When I say the writing kind of writes me, I mean it.

     I hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to leave any feedback below, I always read the comments. If anyone ever wants to use any of my original characters or ideas, you are most welcome to, so long as you give the credit where it is due. Thank you all again for the votes, reads, and comments! Have a wonderful day.

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