52. Spider Babies Are Scary

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Sixth and final update for today, May 23rd.

    Rain encountered no troubles with her pregnancy unless boredom counted. Three healthy leopard males were born. Even her small breasts grew with milk and her body temperature remained slightly elevated after birthing. Rain accepted the changes in her body easily and the family celebrated its first cubs.

     Rain stretched as she woke to the young cubs tumbling across her tail. They were lively to an annoying degree, but her mates kept them busy often. Her milk production stopped around the third month, but the cubs were already eating solids.

     Rain looked down at her body. She briefly admired the three marks that proved her bonds. She eyed the rich colors of the marks and mused at her newest addition. On her left shoulder, the three colors of the hawk mark blended seamlessly as its outstretched wings reached towards her collar bone and shoulder blade.

     Rain had not intended to mate with Brice, but she didn't stop herself when the urge overcame her. She grinned as she remembered Brice's shocked face as she pinned him to her furs. He didn't mind and he recovered very quick.

     Rain had not taken pregnancy well. She had no outlet for her excess energy and had to get creative with ways to alleviate it.

     Rain did not believe her choice was a bad one anyhow. She trusted the hawk and that was something surprising. Even Vern, who she mated first, did not give her the same sense of comfort and safety. The location of her mark proved her feelings. Even though she felt that way, she was still unconsciously hesitant. She didn't know if she could truly put her doubts to rest. Maybe one day she would.

     Rain went downstairs after dressing. She let the cubs ride her tail as she descended the levels of her home. They were old enough now that they could do so on their own, but Rain would occasionally indulge them. Harvey was tending to the garden and Vern was boiling some short bird eggs.

     Snow had returned Rain's birds and Vern caught more. Boiled eggs were among Rain's favorite foods to eat. She deposited the boys and wound her way around Vern. She was in an unusually good mood and she draped her arms over Vern's shoulders.

     Rain wasn't usually affectionate, but she was starting to become more prone to such occurrences when she was happy. Vern's tail wagged and Rain felt it brush against her own tail. Rain waited for Vern to remove the eggs from the water. She knew he was having a harder time with her there, but stayed anyway.

     Vern was trying his best to not overcook the eggs, but Rain was making it very difficult. Wolf beastmen were generally physically affectionate and he loved the change in Rain's actions. Ever since she got pregnant, Rain had become increasingly physical, both with cuddling and mating. Vern blushed and suppressed any untoward thoughts. If Rain wanted that kind of activity, she would have already dragged him away.

     Rain eagerly ate all of the eggs and Vern started the next batch. The cubs whined and Rain said, "You cubs get yours next." She looked at the cubs' round stomachs. They were not lacking food. She would start participating in their training soon. No cubs of her will be weak or lazy.

     Rain went outside to sun bathe. The storms would start soon and she wanted to enjoy the weather while she could. She climbed on the rock that Asher had found for her. She frowned thinking of bears. The older had approached her several times despite her clear rejections. It took threats to get it through his pride-addled-skull to show him her disinterest.

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