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Hoodie's body jolted awake as he got the bearings of his surroundings. He and his partners were in a truck they stole. It's cold, the windows are covered in snow and frosted over. He leaned forward groaning from the muscles that ached in his back. The day was bright, even through layers of snow that covered the truck. Clearly it was just a mellow blizzard as it didn't reach the truck's windows. Bringing the heel of his hand to his eyes to rub the sleep away he searched in silence for the keys.

No breath fogged from his nose or mouth, unlike Masky who was passed out in the passenger seat, or Toby who was curled behind Masky's seat on the floor. The passenger window is cracked, but not broken.

He spotted the keys in the cupholders between the two front seats and tried to start the engine. Thankfully, the truck's internals weren't frozen. The sound of the engine outside along with the soft rumble emitting from his surroundings while the air kicked in, cold but soon to warm the inside.

Neither he nor Skully actually needed heat, but Masky and Toby did. Their bodies were still somewhat human, so it would restrict itself when brought to the point of frostbite or hypothermia. Speaking of restrictions. The snow is covering half-way up the truck's wheels. Getting it out of its position will be difficult, especially with the new addition of a bent in door thanks to that Hunting Beast.

He reached over into Masky's side of the car to find his phone. His own had died due to idle use, so Masky's would be the next best option. Hoodie was careful to not wake any of the others in the car. He located the phone just next to his partner's boots and pulled it carefully into his own hands. Sitting back into the driver seat he started up the phone again.

Good. Still working and half battery. Masky didn't keep a password on his phone so it was easy to navigate, but the many messages from both BEN and the Observer were something he'd have to slug through. The cold sleekness of the screen against his thumbs when he typed felt natural, normal. He alerted the Observer to B.O.B. 's appearance on this side of the forest and contacted BEN about where (Y/N)'s location in the hotel was.

The wonders of winter were all he could stare at for now. The evergreen's that scattered their current area held the snow patches delicately in their branches. He scratched at his face, not that he needed to, and leaned forward to lay his forehead on the steering wheel.


The voice is hush and directly behind him. He let out a soft hum in acknowledgement as he waited for the response from intel.

Pressure moved on the driver's seat. The voice is now much closer and quieter in consideration of not waking the other two.

"Have any theories?"


"What... that thing is doing here?"

Hoodie, or Brian in this case, lifted his head from the wheel and turned to his left staring at Skully. Both of their dead, faded eyes met. Skully wore a small, tender smile as to have his own normalcy. His arms wrapped around the headrest to give him support to talk in the small gap between the seat and door.

"Well, I think it found the portal."

"It sure did, but why do you think it's here?"

Brian glanced out his side window, only seeing more fluffy, even snow.

"I'm unsure, Jay."

Brain felt a strange pang in his still heart at the name, but Jay only let out a happy huff through his nose.

"You think it's trying to find someone?"

Brian brought his fingers up to his bottom lip, tapping against it in thought. It's true in their records B.O.B. is known for its intense hatred toward those who see it. Usually, they all found it wandering the forest and would eventually stop chasing them as they crossed into their safehouse. Even a primal beast had senses of what was dangerous and what wasn't.

I'LL ADAPT (Creepypasta x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now