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They say boredom kills. You think they might be right. You've been just looking through that hollow silver band and finding nothing of interest. No one has come by to harass you and you're very tempted to start punching the walls just to do something. You can only take so much of throwing that pillow you were given at the walls.

It's strange. Harming your body because you're bored sounds really morbid, but also you have nothing else to do. The room is dark and that voice from your first day here hasn't spoken in a while. It's like they've forgotten about you. You fall back onto the concrete floor not caring about the sharp pain that shoots through the back of your head. It's dark, it smells, and you're hungry. The bathroom is also on your list. Everything basically sucks right now.

"Finally given up?"

You shoot yourself up into a sitting position staring at the camera. Motherfucker! This is someone else since the voice sounds a lot deeper and more like a radio than T.V. static, but they've been here! Watching you go out of your mind for the past couple of hours!


"Mmm that sucks."

Oh thanks. You haven't noticed.

"Can you let me out?"

"I can't but I can get someone for you."

You narrow your eyes at the camera, you think this is the right direction of the camera at least. Since that's where the voice is coming from.

"Right, who are you exactly?"

The hum of a radio flows through the speaker, "I'm the Observer."

Oh wow so like a stalker or something. Has he been peeping on you this whole time? You hope not, god he would have seen you changing. That sucks.

"Alright, the Observer, can I get someone to get me out of here."

"Of course, state their full name."


"Uh... okay... hm." Let's see. You only know first names and aliases. The only full names that seem to fit is Eyeless Jack and Kagekao. Is Eyeless Jack even his real name? It would kind of make sense. "Kagekao."

"I'll send him down."

Yes! Not exactly who you would pick first, but better than that other option!

You feel yourself waiting for a long time before the heavy click and the screeching of the iron door tells you he's arrived.

"もしもし!" A familiar voice calls from the doorway, "Wake up call! Are you alive in here?"

You push yourself from the floor and rub the ache in your back. It is not healthy to be left sleeping on this floor for so many days.

"Yeah. Unfortunately."

"That's too bad. I can fix that if you'd like!" You see Kagekao flex his clawed hand in recommendation.

"No thanks. I rather just head up to the bathroom, and maybe get some food. If I can."

"Keke, I see. Well, suppose I can set that up. Come on."

You follow Kagekao as he leads you out of the basement once more. You could really go for a shower right now. Kagekao leads out past the game room and out again into the lobby, the same way Liu used before. It's strange, every time you enter that game room it's empty. You wonder if that's a good, or a bad thing.

Kagekao stops in front of the family bathrooms laughing, "Don't take too long. Lunch is actually being served right now and I'm getting hungry myself."

Ah, that's why. Well you waste no time to empty your bladder and wash your hands, this time also washing your face. It's been pretty grimy and gross so even the faucet water and hand soap can do it for now. Sadly, there are again no paper towels so you try your best to wipe away the water.

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