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You're lying against the cold ground again. Nothing hurts anymore. You push yourself from the floor with a groan and hear the crinkle of paper just near your hand. Sliding it around in the dark your fingers made contact with the paper. You quickly snatched it and felt around what you hoped it was. The heavy metal key is felt and you quickly rip it from the letter, putting it into your pocket. Then you feel it. The doll is in there too! That dream...

It's strange.

If this is supposed to be a welcome party then this is the shittiest one you've ever had.

Letting the letter fall back to the floor you sigh. The room is still dark, but the buzz of the intercom, or camera, or whatever, doesn't make itself apparent. It's still there, but now your ears aren't trying to regain your bearings so you're pretty much chilling in the cold concrete cell. You feel no socks on your feet and let out a sigh.

Your voice is dry, most likely from not having any water, but you ignore that for now. Shoving yourself onto what you hope is the wall across from the door it becomes apparent that this is going to take a while for anyone to show up.

If anyone shows up.

No. They dragged you into this mess. Someone is going to show up no matter what. You're going to do it, even if it means you'd be killed again. You're getting the hell out of this cell first, then you're going to get away from these lunatics that put you in here, then you're going

The sound of keys clink from the other side of the wall, so faint if it wasn't for your own silence you wouldn't have heard it. This is it. You slowly stood yourself up, prepping to make a mad dash. Low and ready.

The door whines as it's pulled open, bright light blinding you for a couple seconds like a flashbang. You're just across from the door, good. Then here goes nothing. Your legs spring into action once the door is open enough, and you collide with a body. It's scrawny, but defined a yelp coming from them. Their body twitches under yours but you pay it no mind scrambling to your feet like a savage, then only take in the surroundings before finding an open slot in a wall.

Running across the room you pay no mind to the shouts that are coming from behind you. You slid yourself through the door and struggled on the ground to look for anything. Anything to get out, but there's nothing. It's too dark and there's no other opening from what you can see. A cocking of a gun catches your attention first. Turning your head you see it.

The light that comes from the other room illuminates behind the figure. They're broad and most of their features are obscured by what you assume is a hood.

"Get back in here."

His voice is... his voice is dead, monotone, but... the man on the phone. The man who answered Mason's phone. That was the last straw, of course! Tim's other person! Poor Mason. He must have been scared out of his mind, beaten by them not from some other guys! It pissed you off, your skin zaps with new found frenzy as you let out a shrill shriek that tore your vocals. It's raw and full of pure hate as you barrel into this man. A gunshot goes off going through your arm, but you ignore it.

The anger you feel ignores it all.

The blind rage as you ring your hands around the man's neck.

The profanities you throw, the pure cursing resentment you yell at him.

Another shot goes off and you feel your body give out. You now lay on top of the man you just tried to strangle, struggling to breathe yourself. Rugged breaths burn the torn vocal cords as your body is shoved off from below. You now lay on your back feeling the bullet being lodged in your lung. He shot your fucking lung.

I'LL ADAPT (Creepypasta x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now