"You look so cute!" Tara squealed, grabbing my hands excitedly.

"I look like a baby prostitute," I commented as we stared at my reflection in the mirror.

I didn't really, but my tits were out and on display, only covered by a fabric I was convinced could be torn easier than paper.

I was wearing a leopard print tube top with a black leather skirt. My hair was done up, with my naturally wavy pieces down to frame my face and the rest of it in a high ponytail. It wasn't something I normally did with my hair.

"Well, I think you look great. Let's go show the others," Tara pulled on my hand as she dragged me out of the room, and down the stairs to the room where all of the other girls were.

"I think you could stick candles on my face and sing happy birthday," I stopped myself as I looked into one of the many mirrors in the hallway, "I legit have more cake on my face than on my ass,"

"What do you mean?" Corey asked with a wink, "You got a fat ass,"

I felt my cheeks burn as Devyn clicked her tongue at him across the room, "Keep it in your pants loverboy! She's Colby's plaything, not yours,"

As far as I knew, Devyn and Corey had a very flirty, love-hate relationship. You could catch them making out one second then arguing the next. They denied being a couple but they were the definition of couple goals.

Corey raised his hands up in defense before spinning on his feet and walking back into the room with everyone else.

"Ignore him. His eyes are louder than his mouth, if that makes sense," Tara nudged me as we continued to make our way into the room.

"Oh my god girl you look so good!" Carrington shouted from across the room before making her way over to us.

They looked just like me, revealing clothes and heavy makeup. I didn't understand how the boys loved people like this.

"She doesn't believe me," Tara glanced at her before looking at me.

"Don't doubt yourself," Carrington wiggled her tanned shoulders, "Have fun tonight, it's just like going out with whoever you used to before you came here,"

I was about to object and say I've never been to a party like this before, but Carrington sucked in a breath as the room fell close to quiet.

I didn't understand why, but they were all looking behind me, I looked over my shoulder, seeing what the big deal was.

It was Colby, and damn I could say he looked hot. A tattoo I never saw before was peeking out from under his button-up shirt due to the top buttons being undone.

"What?" Colby asked, looking at everyone with a harsh look, "Am I not allowed to walk in the room?"

Nobody responded, but turned back to doing whatever they were doing. I hesitated to do so, looking him up and down once more before turning back to Carrington and Tara, also with Katrina who had joined us.

Colby's eyes met mine, which was part of the reason why I turned my back to him again and rejoined the conversation.

Katrina seemed nervous, talking in a quiet, rushed tone, "Do you think he's going to like it? What if he doesn't like blue?" She motioned down to her outfit, a blue sleeveless dress with a plunging neckline, exposing more cleavage than my own dress.

"Who?" I whispered, looking around at all of the boys. I had no idea where Colby was, I couldn't see him with the other boys so if he was standing behind me that was awkward on his part.

"Sam," Tara explained, mirroring Katrina's expressions.

"What's not to like?" I asked, motioning to her with a hand, "You're beautiful, Katrina. Don't worry about it,"

I was sensing that Katrina had a crush of sorts on Sam. None of these boys seemed the type to have a girlfriend, but Sam definitely was the one who seemed the most sensible when it came to relationships.

I felt hands rest on my waist, and I stiffened as I glanced to see who it was. I didn't need to, because he began speaking as soon as he did it.

"I'm going to need to steal her away for a second," Colby said to the other girls, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

I couldn't help but notice how close he was to me. He may be a rude, stuck up human being, but he was attractive and there was no denying that.

"Okay, don't have too much fun," Carrington winked, easing my nerves just a little.

I had no idea was Colby wanted from me, seeing as the last time we spoke he shot his old fuck buddy in her old room, now my room.

His hands went from my waist to one on my hand, pulling me to the side of the room and out of earshot from everyone else.

"You look nice," He said quietly, his eyes raking my body.

"I look like a freak," I responded, but he shook his head, flicking at one of the large hoop earrings Tara insisted I wore.

"Take the compliment, damn it," He growled as I steadied my earring by slapping my hand over it.

"I'm just trying to figure out what you want from me," I admitted, staring into his eyes though he wasn't looking in mine.

"Now if I told you, it would ruin the fun," He glanced into my eyes before winking.

"Yeah but at least I would know what I'm supposed to be doing here," I sighed, "Am I just going to be here until you shoot me like Ava?"

"She knew too much," He said as if that was an explanation, "And she was only here so I could hook up with her when I wanted to. It wasn't that good anyways," Colby chuckled lightly like we were friends and having a funny conversation.

"Is that what I'm just going to be?" I looked up at him, "Because if I'm just around because you need someone to use then I'm not having it,"

"I don't think you have much of a choice," His grin faded and he spoke so quietly I could hardly hear him, "But no. I would never do that to you. I couldn't,"

I took a deep breath, asking a question I didn't necessarily want the answer to, "And why is that?"

Not that I wanted him to use me, but I just needed to know as to why he thought he couldn't use me in such a way. Colby and his friends were holding me captive, they could do whatever the hell they wanted to me. So what was stopping them?

"Can I tell you a secret?" He risked looking at me. The daring look in his eyes suggested something that I couldn't quite understand, as if he was supposed to hide the reasoning from me.

I nodded, and he brought his face close to my ear. I expected him to say something, but all I could feel was his breath on my neck.

Colby whispered, "There's something about you that makes me think you could cause more damage to this world than any of us ever could, with the right motivation. Let me be that right motivation,"

Maybe it was in the heat of the moment, or because when he went to look into my eyes I realized how close our faces were. But no matter what the reason was, I found myself nodding my head as if I wasn't completely in control of my movements.


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