Wilspar - Part 2

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Raven gasped as the sun rose over the mountain, casting color and light over the massive rocky face before them. Simon smiled softly as they neared the end, pulling on the reigns to slow Huxley down and let the cat win.

Tristan panted on the rocky ledge nervously as water dripped down his stony surface. He had charged through shallow water right at the end. Raven slid off Huxley, wrapping her arms around the trembling cat.

"You were amazing!" Raven told him as he blushed a deep red. Simon climbed down off the deer as he glanced back the way they had come. They weren't leaving today so they had time to get what they were looking for.

"We should move on. We won't be heading back until the bridge shows itself again in the morning." Simon told them as Raven and Tristan agreed. They got to their feet making Simon smile as Raven charged forward boldly. He paused beside the unsure cat petting his head.

"You were pretty badass back there. It's never easy to face your fears. I think in time you will conquer them. Just don't give up." Simon encouraged softly. Tristan blushed nodding, moving forward. It always felt weird when Simon was complementing him.

"Hey old man? How old are you really? I mean you are clearly older than I am, but sometimes you act like really old and wise. Other times you act like you aren't that much older than me and Raven." Tristan wondered as they followed the eager girl.

"How old are you and Raven? I had just turned twenty shortly before I got trapped in crystal." Simon told him as Tristan smiled.

"I turn seventeen when the leaves fade and begin to fall. I don't know how old Raven is. I just know she is around my age." Tristan told him as Simon smiled.

"Why don't you ask her?" Simon suggested as he secretly teased him. Tristan paused and shrugged unsure.

"Hey Raven! How old are you?" Tristan called out as Simon tried to keep a straight face. Women never liked being asked that sort of question. Simon waited for Raven to growl, and hiss annoyed at the cat. Tripping surprised when she simply smirked over her shoulder playfully.

"Who wants to know?" She asked as she slowed down. Tristan padded up to her smiling brightly.

"I was just wondering. Simon is twenty, I am sixteen. Chances are Meredith's son is in his twenties too. I heard Meredith came to Trayson just after my birth so he should be older than me, right? I was just wonder where you fit in." Tristan told her as she stalled. "Did I say something wrong?" Tristan asked worriedly as Raven smiled down at him.

"My father used to tell me that the only wrong question was the question left unasked. I just turned eighteen last week. Honestly, I was thinking about Meredith's son. Thinking about another male made me miss Rosila. I didn't hang out with people very often and the only person who spoke to me daily, besides my parents, was her. I never had friends in Trayson and now I have you and Simon and Huxley... I think I want a girlfriend. A girl that is a friend." Raven clarified with a blush. Simon coughed to cover up his laugh as Tristan sat confused.

"So, you miss Rosila because you are surrounded by males?" Tristan wondered. "I think I wouldn't mind if I was surrounded by females." Tristan decided making Simon let out a real laugh.

"It's different. Maybe the prince won't want to travel with us. You shouldn't fret about what has yet to happen. Besides, I thought we were meeting with Framtida, not another fish." Simon told them as Raven nodded taking a deep breath.

He was right. There was no guarantee that the mermaid prince would even accompany them on their quest. She would simply tell him about his mother and then they would be off traveling again. The three of them.

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