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Kie's POV:

The lady slammed the door on us and we were about to walk away when she opened it and invited us in. JJ was shaking and I grabbed his hand to calm him down as we sat down at the table.

"My mom left me and my father when I was around four. My dad he.. He's made my life hell and I just can't not tell you because no one should have to deal with him." JJ said nervously

"Luke never mentioned a son and. I can't ever picture him hurting anyone" She said kindly

"I've seen Luke beat the shit out of JJ. I've taken care of JJ after a fight and cleaned his wounds. The abuse is real. It's verbal and physical. JJ is a damn good son and Luke is a shitty father. Luke has tried to come after me. He doesn't just abuse his son, he would have hurt me if JJ didn't show up countless times. I know this must be hard to hear and I'm so sorry but it's the truth. JJ told me he needed to come here because he doesn't want you or your son hurt."

The woman looked at us and she asked, "And who the hell are you? Some jealous girl who wants Luke?"

"Fuck no, she is my girlfriend. The one who saved me from my father" JJ said stepping in and I froze when he called me his girlfriend

The woman looked around and then she started to tear up and said, "I'm sorry... I know but I just didn't want to believe it. The signs have been there and I've been ignoring them."

She was crying and she grabbed her baby and said, "For the record, this baby isn't Luke's. He is from my previous relationship. Luke just got this place and we've been staying here as my ex-husband kicked me out."

We talked to the woman and she packed her bags and was going to her parent's house to get away from Luke. She was in her car all ready to go when Luke came home. He had a beer in his hand and he said, "Wow, what the hell are you doing here boy with that slut of yours?"

"First of all, she isn't a slut. Second, I'm here to tell your new family exactly who you are" JJ said walking up to him

Luke threw a punch and he hit JJ's face. The two got into a fight and I watched the woman and her son drive off. I broke the fight up and Luke grabbed a new beer out of the new six-pack he brought home. JJ and Luke got into a screaming match and finally JJ just walked away. Once we were out of sight, he started crying and I hugged him and said, "I'm proud of you. I know that wasn't easy but you saved that woman and her son from him. I'm sorry you had to get hurt again by him"

"It's okay, I'm used to it" He said shaking it off

"No, it's not okay and it never will be. Please don't ever think that is okay." I said as we walked back to the group

We got back to the beach and they were waiting in the boat for us.

Quinn asked, "What happened? Did you get in a fight?"

"Yeah, someone tried to steal his bag" I said lying as I brought him to the small kitchen below deck where I grabbed ice for him and the first aid kit to clean him up

He sat on the counter and I stood between his legs. He took his shirt off and I saw the scrapes and bruises. I cleaned the cut and JJ winced. He hated this part. He was still super upset and I said, "J, you saved them from a lifetime's worth of trauma. You are a hero and I'm so sorry that you had to get hurt by him again"

"I'm sorry you had to watch" He said and I hugged him

This was JJ, concerned about me watching him get in a nasty fight with his dad and not about what happened to him. Pope walked in and I quickly backed away and JJ put his shirt back on. We re-joined the group and Quinn wouldn't leave JJ's side. Two days later we were back home and things were back to normal. I was packing for college as I left in two weeks.

I was sad to leave again, but I was excited to be on my own and start over. I had most of my stuff packed and today I was hanging out with Sarah. We went out for lunch at the country club and then we went shopping on the mainland. 

"So... What do you think of Quinn?" Sarah asked me

"She's okay, I tolerate her but it feels like she's my replacement"

"No, we could never replace you. We've missed you so much, I've missed you so much. Dealing with those boys is a lot of work." Sarah laughed and I joined

"Is JJ happy?" I asked getting serious again

Sarah took a sip of her drink and she said, "Yeah, he is... He does less stupid shit and he laughs more"

Half of me was smiling because I was happy that JJ was finally happy. His dad was gone, he was free. But part of me wanted to scream and cry because I knew Quinn had something to do with it. And it's really hard to hate someone who makes someone who you care about happy. Sarah gave me a look and she said, "I'm not stupid, I know you like him"

"Do not, I just don't want him to get hurt"

"Because you like him" She said teasing me

"Fine, but the night my parents came to take me to boarding school they grabbed me and literally forced me to leave with them. I was making out with JJ in the hammock about to have sex with him and then run away with him and go on our surf trip. So yeah to come home a year later to see him with Quinn and learn that they got together the night after I left kinda fucking hurts" I said pissed and the look on Sarah's face was priceless. 

"Tell me more..." She said invested

"There's no more to tell" I said

"Come on, was the kiss good? Was it like just a normal kiss or?"

"Sarahhhh" I said not wanting to talk about it and she just gave me a look and I laughed and said, "The kiss was incredible. The rumors are true about JJ and his kissing skills. It wasn't just kissing it was a total makeout sesh with tongue and his hands all over my body, okay?"

"Damn, get it girl!" She said smirking

We had a sleepover at my house and she promised not to tell anyone about what happened between me and JJ last year. This was the most fun that I've had in a long time. The next day we went to the Chateau and everyone else was already there hanging out.

"How was your night?" Pope asked us

"Just what we needed and this time you didn't have to trick us into it" Sarah said and we all laughed remembering the boat they trapped us on

"Kie, can we talk?" JJ asked after things calmed down

"Yeah" I said as we walked outside to the dock

I also have three other Jiara books. Please check them out! :)

1. Closed Door

2. Jiara Oneshorts

3. Five Years Later

Things Aren't the Same •JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now