Chapter Fourteen

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This fire burns those it does not trust

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This fire burns those it does not trust. The fire protects the child it was born from. The dragon breaths with anger. 


School had been boring for Morgan, she was getting quite frustrated with the slow pace of things. She couldn't wait to go home and enjoy Yule with her papa. Sighing as she put her quill down, the last bit of homework done, Draco sitting next to her, trying his hardest not to ask for help from his cousin. He had seen how stressed she was, her frustration at things. So he let her sort her mind out, what help would he be if what she was thinking about was something he had no idea about.

Letting the ink dry on her parchment, Morgan tilted her head as she watched the fire. A certain look was crossing her face. The old coot still had the Philosopher's Stone brought to the school. Maybe she should go get it. Either way nothing really fun had happened, not even the troll coming into the school had happened, seeing as Quirrell was not here to do it. So Halloween still went on as usual. Samhain still being banned, did that stop her, no it didn't. Merlin had even joined in. That was a wonderful experience, doing the rituals and allowing just the tiniest amount of magic freed from the locked chest.

When the ink had finally dried she was quick to roll the parchment and tie a small bit of twine around it, to keep it in place. Turning to her cousin Morgan said, "I'm going to go to bed, I'm not feeling the best right now." And it was the truth, she really wasn't feeling the best, her stomach was churning, and any thought of food in her system made her want to vomit.

"Do you want me to walk you to madame Pomfrey?" Draco asked the girl.

Shaking her head she said, "no, I think I just need to rest."

Nodding his head he told her he would let Professor's Snape and Slytherin know that she was resting. Smiling to her cousin she wished him a goodnight and went up the stairs to her bedroom. Changing out of her school uniform Morgan was now dressed in comfy baby blue pyjama shorts and one of her father's button up shirts, having stolen it the night before. He probably knew that she had and just didn't stop her.

Getting under the covers, Morgan shivered violently, she felt hot, boiling hot. Frowning she tried to think of what could be happening, and nothing was coming to mind, she should not be this sick, she hasn't been sick since she was five, having taken her powers of Mistress of Death no illness could hurt her. So what was wrong with her. Throwing propriety out the window, Morgan stumbled out of her bed, swaying from side to side. Her world was tilting, her steps were wonky as she used the wall to help her get down the stairs.

Landing with a loud thud on the common room floor, she took note of no one sitting around to help her.

'Morgie-pie?' Nagini's hissing voice quivered, the familiar having seen the young girl fall to the floor, a gash on her head. Slithering over to the girl, she let her cold scales rest on the burning witch. Hissing at the heat, Nagini began to worry, she needed to get her Tommyling here, and fast. Quickly slithering away and out of the common room Nagini moved with lightning speed. When she heard the loud laughter of students she wasted no time in frightening them as she lunged in. 'Tommyling!' She screeched as she lunged onto the table in front of Tom.

"Nagini." Tom hissed in Parsletongue shocked by his familiar's antics.

'It's Morgie-pie, she's burning up, she's hurt bad.' Nagini rushed out.

Tom caught every word, his face going paler. Jumping from his seat he ran out of the Great Hall, curious looks following the man and familiar as they raced out of the Hall. Running as fast as he could he hissed the password, the wall opening to show young Morgan laying on the floor shivering violently and whimpering. Landing harshly on his knees he picked the young witch up, her tiny form laying on him.

"Morgan!" He called out, hand resting on her forehead as he felt her temperature. He hissed; she was boiling. Getting up to his feet he ran out with the girl laying limp in his arms. Her whimpers of pain becoming louder. Stopping in the Great Hall the Professor's and students saw her limp form, weak. "Madame Pomfrey!" Tom called to the Medi-witch. 

The old woman gasped as she raced over, the two leaving to the infirmary to check on young Morgan. Tom whispered down to Morgan, a message. "Micah get her father here now." Tom ordered to the young ghost.

Micah hearing this was quick to go to his Master, alerting him to what was happening.

"Place her on the bed." Pomfrey ordered, Tom obeying as he laid Morgan gently on the bed. The older woman handing him wet cloths. "We need to get her temperature down now," she said as Tom laid the cloth on her head, steam rose from where he put it, so he dunked it back into cold water, repeating the process every time it touched her head.

"What has happened?" Dumbledore asks as he walks into the infirmary, interrupting their work.

Pomfrey turned to the man with annoyed eyes. "Headmaster, at this moment you need to leave the room, you are interrupting my work." She barked, anger now resting in her eyes. Dumbledore blinked in surprise but obeyed. "Meddlesome he is." Pomfrey uttered.

Tom had paid no mind to the older man, he only looked up when Thomas Shelby burst into the room seeing his daughter shivering, and whimpering. "What the hell happened!" He shouted anger in his sapphire eyes, the blue beginning to change, a dark void filling his eyes.

"She's been poisoned." Pomfrey gasped looking at the diagnostic chart. "I can't reverse it." She whispered.

A deep rumbling growl filled the room as Thomas Shelby stepped forward. "You may not be able to, but I can." Placing his hand on his daughters head he then rested the other on her stomach, closing his eyes he took calming breaths in.

Tom and Pomfrey stepped back to allow the man to cast the spell, they watched in surprise as flames grew on his hands, but the flames did not hurt either him or Morgan. "Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare mid þam sundorcræftas þære ealdaþ æ!" He chanted the fire seeping into Morgan's body, the gold glow of the flame disappearing.

The shivering stopped; the whimpers silenced. Morgan sighed softly, now resting peacefully, and the wound on her head gone. "You find who did this, and you punish them." Tommy growled, picking his daughter up. "She is going home, tonight." Tommy stated his tone firm as he stepped out of the infirmary. Tom and Pomfrey following the man.

"Do you need to gather her things?" Tom asked the imposing man.

"No, it may stay here for the time being, but please do send her work ready to go by Wednesday, I will have one of my men come collect it." Tommy said to the concerned man. Tommy was happy to see that his daughters soulmate, although unknowing of this connection, he felt it in some way. Hopefully, it would be a while though she was only eleven. "Though I do ask that her belongings be placed somewhere away from the other students, somewhere safe. So no one can touch her things, though unless they want a nasty little curse placed on them."

Tom nodded, he would make sure her things were in his office, it was guarded by Salazar's painting and only a Parsletongue password would allow anyone into his office.

"I pray this school finds who did this, or I will not be held accountable for what may happen to the individual." Tommy growled as he stepped out of the school and vanished in the shadows, Tommy and Morgan were gone.

And Tom had a mission to begin. 

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