Chapter Fifteen

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She may have been the Goddess of Love, people may have assumed she enjoyed peace

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She may have been the Goddess of Love, people may have assumed she enjoyed peace. But some times they forget, she loved revenge.


"Who did it Tommy!" Aphrodite screeched, eyes blazing with pure malice. She had just heard about what had happened to Morgan, the young girl still resting in her room. Morgan had made a quick recovery, but she was still very tired, sore. "You tell me right now." She hissed, she was filled with a need for revenge, a bloodlust, Ares would be proud.

"It's still unclear." Tommy sighed. Tommy looked dead, well he was Death but, he looked like he was done with everything. He had worried day and night as Morgan slept, he hadn't left her side in days. Staying with her. He felt like he had failed his daughter, failed Morgan. He felt like it was his fault that she had been hurt.

"Well I'm going to that school right now!" Aphrodite shouted spinning on her heel and walking out of Tommy's office.

"Aphrodite! You can't do anything!" Tommy shouted.

Turning to face the deity, Aphrodite held no fear. "Tommy you need to start understanding something, that little girl matters to so many people, you don't have to protect her on your own, I am always going to be there, don't put the world on your shoulder's."

Tommy sighed, before nodding. "Find Professor Slytherin, Morgan's soulmate." Tommy said to her caving in. He had been wanting to check in with the Professor, to see how things were going with the investigation. Tommy having called in the Auror's to find anything, thankfully the students and teachers were safe, they had no qualm with Morgan. But it seems the Shelby's had someone who despised their family.

Aphrodite nodded, before vanishing in a flurry of pink smoke. When she emerged on the outskirts of Hogwarts, she strode forwards heels clicking. A firm look in her light blue eyes. It was a weekend, students milling around playing card games with their friends or just catching up with their class lessons. 

But it became silent, everyone's eyes went to a beautiful and very attractive woman with natural light blond hair, light blue eyes, full lips, and pale light skin with a small dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose. They were curious of the beautiful woman. Boys swooning at the sight of her. Aphrodite made her way to a group of boys smiling prettily at them. "Hello, I was wondering if you might be able to show me where Thomas Slytherin may be?" She asked batty her eyes. One of the boys nodded and motioned for her to follow him. Thanking him she followed the young boy to Tom's office.

"Professor, someone wishes to speak with you." The seventh year boy says, seeing the Professor grading work. 

Tom looked up to see the blonde, a smile on her face, but her eyes were cold. "Morgan's Aunt I presume." Tom said. "Philip, you may leave now." Tom said to the boy who nodded and quickly left, having started to feel the icy anger emitting from the woman. "Please take a seat." Tom said to the woman, knowing she was here it learn what had really happened, and if they had found a culprit.

Aphrodite took a seat, crossing her legs, an air of power surrounding her. "What have you learnt? Anything new at all?" She asked him getting straight to the point.

Tom didn't speak for a moment, before pulling out a file. "The Auror's found some information that I know Lord Shelby would like, as he knows no student or Professor poisoned Morgan, but I was given information by the house elves that a family house elf claimed to be giving their Master a calming drought, he was watched but they had been interrupted," Tom explained giving Aphrodite the file. The blonde reading over the house elves statement.

She hummed softly. "I must see the kitchens then." Aphrodite stated getting up and turning away from Tom. Tom blinked in surprise before following after her.

"And what do you assume you will gain from this?" He asked her as they past chattering students, the rumours of a beautiful woman gracing the halls of Hogwarts reaching to everyone.

"More then an normal witch or wizard would gather." Aphrodite stated. She saw the confused look in Morgan's soulmate's eyes, and she sighed unsure if she should explain to the man just exactly who she is. Well she could lie just a little. "I am something much different, my magic is powerful, beyond those who you see as powerful witches or wizards, as you know already even Morgan is beyond something that you do not understand, that is the same with myself." She said.

Tom was still curious but accepted her words, before showing her the way to the kitchens and as they were walking down the halls, two striking red heads appeared running down the hall with mischievous looks in their eyes. "Misters Weasley's!" Tom shouted halting the twins in their place.

"Professor, a wonderful surprise to see you." Fred said with a grin on his face.

"Yes a wonderful surprise indeed Fred." Stated George.

"You must be the famous Devil Twins I hear my girasol speaks of so fondly." Aphrodite says with a soft smile on her face. The twins blink at the woman trying to remember her face. "You don't know my name, but you would have heard my little niece say who I may be. She calls me Auntie Love."

The twins made noises of understanding. They had heard their little Bambi speak of her aunt, and how wonderful she is. "How is Bambi?" The twins asked.

"She is still resting, but she will be healthy to return after the holidays." She answered gently. The twins sighed a weight was lifted off their shoulders.

"Find the Dragon." The twins whispered to each other.

"Lovely to meet..." Fred started bowing to the woman.

"Such a wonderful woman..." George continued.

"But we must tell the Dragon of Bambi's current condition. Have a wonderful day." The pair finished together before rushing away, a certain map now in their hands. 

Aphrodite smiled. She felt content in knowing the twins were on her niece's side, happy to know that even if the snakes and lions despised each other, they would work together to give Morgan happiness. Shaking her head she started the trek again, Tom following beside the woman.

The pair walked inside the kitchen of Hogwarts, the house elves working on lunch for the students, one in particular stood out to Aphrodite, he was sad, disappointed in himself. He was the one who got distracted. He was blaming himself for Morgan's poisoning. She made her way to the elf and sat down next to him. "Morgan does not blame you, my friend." She said gently.

"Puggy bad elf, he should watch better." He whimpered keeping his eyes on the other elves.

"Puggy, you are not a bad elf, things happen, Morgan Shelby and her family are not angered with you, you are not the one who put the poison on Morgan's food." Aphrodite stated firmly.

"Puggy still sorry." Puggy whispered, his bat like ears pointed at the ground, tears in his big wide brown eyes. "Puggy remembers crest of elf." He whispers to the woman. "Puggy know the Shelby family are strong, they punish the family." He says to her handing a piece of parchment to Aphrodite. "Puggy gives this as sorry, to Morgan."

Aphrodite smiles and brings the elf into a hug. "As the Shelby family representative, we accept the apology and have no ill intent to you Puggy." She says getting up from the floor and leaving him to his work. "He will not be punished correct?" Aphrodite asks Tom as they walk out to the courtyard.

"I cannot protect the elves, it's up to the Headmaster." Tom answers with a sigh.

She was not happy with that answer not at all. The poor elf had done no wrong in her eyes. He was distracted and it was meant to happen. "Then when the time comes, and if he is let go, tell Puggy to go to Love Aisle Clothes. He will have a new Mistress who will treat him with kindness." She declares before winking at the Professor and vanishing in a flurry of pink smoke, still on Hogwarts grounds. 

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