Chapter Two

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She was in a world of stories, where knights saved the damsels, the dragons were the villains in the stories

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She was in a world of stories, where knights saved the damsels, the dragons were the villains in the stories. She decided to be the villain in her own world. 


"Morgan." Micah called out, as he looked around Flourish and Blotts. The ghostly boy had only just gotten into the store, after buying some of her potion ingredients she would need for her fourth year. He turned to find her walking along a row of books her hand gliding along the spines of the old books. She was in a world of her own, but she was attentive to everything around her, she had to be ever since she had felt something pushing against her mind, someone trying to break in. She of course knew who it was, the old fool leaving a damn magical signature behind.

When she finally found what she wanted she turned to Micah and smiled, "hello my knight." She greeted, as she went to him, Micah smiling at his little sister, the girl was still so tiny, and it made her adorable, also it was great fun to watch her show people up, make them eat their words as she destroys them. 

"What were you looking for?" He asked her gently.

"Just a book on dragons." She stated with a smirk on her face. "I wanted to compare it to Merlin's notes." She continued as she walked to the checkout, the Shelby heir ring on full display. "I want to read something when we go to the Quidditch World Cup." She continued to say as she paid for her book, her ring stamping down. Smiling politely the two exit the store, finding Fred and George waiting for them.

"About time, Bambi." Fred says, winking in her direction.

"Excited for the game tomorrow?" George asks as the four walk down the street. Morgan thought about her answer before responding to him.

"As excited as I can be, I have a feeling, something will happen."

George and Fred share a look before agreeing with their little sister. Micah shook his head as they approached the Floo system, allowing Morgan through first the four flinched as they heard the screeching voice of Molly Weasley. 

"One day, one day I'm going to come to the shops and not have a bloody brawl." Morgan hissed; eyes glowing. Fred and George quickly intervened their mother, motioning to Morgan to leave, she was hesitant, but she did as they wanted, knowing her presence would cause more of a problem than anything.

Stepping into the fireplace she threw the powder down speaking clearly of where she wanted to go. When she landed in the sitting room, she sighed at the sight of her Uncle Arthur drinking away. "Uncle Artie, I know your immortal and all, but could you tone down on the drinking, we have children living in this house." She scolded the man, who chuckled before sending the drink away, Morgan smiled happy he did so before plopping on the chair beside him.

"What happened?" He asked seeing the way she watched the fireplace with narrowed eyes.

"Molly bloody Weasley." She scoffed. "She spotted us, now she's having a go at Fred and George, Micah stayed behind to protect them." She said, as she folded her arms over her chest. 

"Someday that woman, is going to do something and karma will bite her in the ass. Or Aphrodite will get her revenge, one or the other." Arthur chuckled, as Morgan grinned at the thought. It wasn't much longer before the twins appeared, both seething, Arthur looked to his niece, and she nodded leaving the room quickly. Although the twins had good control of their magic, it wasn't enough when they got mad, so Arthur called John in, and the pair worked together to help their 'sons' work on their own control. 

It was early morning when Death walked into his daughter's room, the original Thomas Shelby beside him. The two men had gotten into a habit of waking Morgan up by doing it together, Death enjoyed waking the young witch up, even Thomas Shelby enjoyed it, made them feel alive and not all powerful. Morgan had sensed the pair, so she smirked before vanishing from them, to stand behind them. "Don't you think I'm a little too old to be woken up by you two anymore? Especially with tickles?" She questioned with a smirk on her face. 

The two men looked to each other before scoffing. "No." 

Morgan rolled her eyes but giggled at the pair, the two leaving her to change and grab everything she was taking with her to the World Cup. She wore a velvet V-neck star and moon patterned bell sleeve romper, she slipped her feet into chunky white socks, then placed her black boots over the socks before pulling the white socks over the boots, and she quickly did her final touches. Smiling she checked herself in her mirror as a girly voice came through.

"Looking beautiful girly!" 

Morgan smiled, "thank you." She said to the magical mirror before saying her goodbyes, dragging her trunk behind herself, she made her way downstairs, her papa and dad waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. In Thomas Shelby's hands was her coat that Death had given her. She smiled as Thomas placed it on her, making sure she was warm. She turned to Death and saw the smirk on his face. "Now little one, please be safe and stick by your brothers sides alright." He said to her.

"Papa, of course I will, I don't believe anything bad will happen, and if it does, I'm going to throw a fit." She giggled, before kissing his cheek, and walking over to Fred, George, and Micah, the four now standing near the Portkey.

The family waited for a moment before waving as the four younger children were whisked away.

Morgan and the three boys saw a white flash and suddenly they're all flying through the air. The four siblings cheer excited as they go flying, Morgan's hair whipping over the place, she loved this feeling. She looked to her brothers before letting her hand go, she goes flying through the air, before straightening out ad landing on the ground softly. Fred was next to land beside the girl, then George and finally Micah who smirked.

They quickly headed off, shoving one another as they walk across the field, and as they looked over, they saw the massive crowds gathered and cheering, tents are set up all over.

"Well sister, brothers! Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Micah cheered as they grinned running into the crowd, taking in the sights. Music is playing and people fly about overhead on brooms. 

They continue to walk as they come across their tent, Micah opened it up to allow Morgan inside first then the twins. When inside they find the tent bigger on the inside, than it was on the outside. Morgan raced to claim her room and as soon as she did the twins were off shoving each other. When her stuff was on her bed, she ran back out to go explore with her family.

Grabbing the twins arms she pulled them outside, smiles on their faces. They ran through the crowds laughing loudly as they went, buying all sorts of knickknacks. Morgan was the one who was further ahead of her brothers, when she turned, she collied with a body, soft sparks running over her. She looked up smiling as she saw Professor Slytherin, the man also wearing a smile on his face as he saw his student. "Hello Morgan." He greeted her.

"Hello Professor, have you come to watch the game, or are you making sure no Slytherin's tarnish our house." She said with a smirk on her face.

Tom laughed shaking his head at the girl. "You would be surprised to know that I do rather like Quidditch, the Malfoy's invited me." He said.

Morgan smiled. "Well then, I'll be sure to see you in that tiny box Professor." Morgan stated before she turned and ran back to her brothers, jumping onto Micah's back, Tom watching her with a longing in his heart, he really needed to figure out what this feeling was. 

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