Chapter 7 (No Longer A Dream)

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Henry Haddock is her boyfriend. Boyfriend! She has the most popular guy as her boyfriend! She honestly was still shock, she hardly believe at times, well in her defences it was very recent, having their relationship progressing yesterday and gods only know how many times she has been dreaming of reliving that very same moment all over and over again.

Gods! why was she so suddenly so love sick. It was honestly kinda embrassing for her standards she had held herself to be but she will be damn too care about them anymore. Herny doesn't seem to even care of any insecurities she has to begin with. He would probably tell her that it made her the person she is and that she was lovely and admirable. Yup, that does sounded like him, she blushed at the thought of Herny. Her boyfriend!

She was happily daydreaming on the dinner table and her parents just stare at her weirdly. It was odd to see her in such a love sick state and for some reason, they knew it got something to do with the Haddock boy. Having their daughter speak so fondly and highly of their daughter's tutor, their was no doubt in their mind that she was attracted to the boy. They were young before and also experience such.

"Elsa, are you alright? you seem to have not touch your food at all" Elsa's asked knowingly while she cuts the piece of meat on her plate and ate it thoughtfully, enjoying the juices and seasoning of the meat in delight. Elsa snapped out of her thoughts and blushed madly. It wasn't the first time she was caught zoning out in front of her parents but it was still embrassing. she cleared her throat as to try and redirect their attention towards her.

"yes mom. I'm quite alright" well she wasn't lying. In fact she was beyond then alright. She was aesthetic.

"Are you sure. You looked a little too happy and sick at the same time" She added, with a small smirk and Elsa rolled her eyes

"can't I not be happy?" Elaa stated the obvious

"you can but you aren't always like this" Her father now joined in. She have no doubt in her mind that her parents have rehearse it to gang up on her. They are truly evil


"well, Elsa have a really special boy in her mind" Anna accused all so innocently but her eyes screamed mischief, oh that snitch! She was gonna get her back for it. Maybe ask her Henry to give her extra work when he eventually comes tomorrow. Yes she was about to abused her new obtain power and she is very sure Herny wouldn't reject her request

"Sh-she lying!" Elsa cut in quickly and glared at her sister who was playfully looking innocent and whistling, not even making eye contact with her. Oh it's so on.

"Oh please in lighten us on who's the lucky guy to manage to win the heart of our daughter" her mother teased, her eyes gave a knowing looked. She have no doubt in her mind that her mother have already connected the dots, her father thought not so much. Why all the men in her life gotta be so oblivious. First her dad, the other her boyfriend...

"I-I don't know what your talking about?" Elsa said, not making eye contact with anyone and fumbling with her fingers.

"you know that your bad at lying right?" Anna spoke again and she received another glare from Elsa. She knew she would get back at her but for now, she is just gonna enjoy watching her lovely sister suffer. It was just gold.

"Anna shut up!" Elsa shush. Well it's not that her parents disapprove her of having a relationship, if she had remembered clearly, she was in courage to pursue in one but she wasn't going to tell them who she is currently with. She just wanted it to be her thing and his. "Well I lost my appetite. I'm gonna excuses myself"


She had never thought she would be so excited to enter the school grounds with such excitement and her energy can even compete with her sister's. Alot of her peers give her odd looks, due to her happy attitude and care free smile. They were used to seeing a head down and self conscious Elsa, this wasn't Elsa they're used too.

She made her way to her locker and punched in the code to unlock it and started to organise her books for today's classes. She then felt a tap on her shoulder, turning around and who she saw made her beam tenfold.

Herny was just standing there casually and giving her a bright smile as well. He sheepishly looked at her before leaning in to greet her with a kiss on her cheeks which cause her to heat up. She heard many gasp of shock but she ignored it. She didn't care if they stare. Good let them so they know who he belongs too

"Morning!" he said happily, his smiled showed that he was proud of the kiss he had given her.

"hi babe" she smiled and was suddenly feeling shy again after having to receive such an unexpected yet very welcoming greeting but she should have expected that form him. He was full of surprises

Astrid's blue azure eyes glared at them. She was beyond angry. No words could explain what she was feeling at the moment; jealousy, anger, frustration, humiliation, betrayal. It really was a mixed of everything. She can't believe what she have saw, she felt sick to the core. Henry. Her Herny kissed that loser out of all people. It's just outrageous if she being honest.

"it's alright! They wouldn't last long trust me. Not if we have something to do about it. We can fix this and Henry will soon be with you!" Heather comfort her best friend. Lightly rubbing her back. It made her feel a little bit better and she was grateful for having Heather as a friend. She looked at Elsa again and for a moment the two rivals eyes locked and a hint of mischief linger in Elsa's ocean blue eyes and the corner of her lips lift up. She was up to something and Astrid was in fact correct. She stood on her toes and stretch up too kiss Henry on corner of his lips causing him to smile sheepishly and looked down to meet Elsa's eyes lovingly before they walk away from Astrid vision, hand in hand. It was so on.

Elsa on the other hand felt incredible. She honestly can't believe what she just did. First kissing him in public like that and secondly, taunting her tormentor like that. She was proud of both. She knew her bully also have a crush on Herny who is now HER'S. It felt great to get the last laugh. No it felt magnificent. Served her right


"What?! How-how could you do this to me!" Anna whine, she glared at Herny who just gave her a cheeky smile. "you can't just give me extra work because your girlfriend, my sister told you too!". This was Elsa's revenge and she was very happy that Henry would comply to her request, well he disagree at first but with some convincing and a kiss or two. He accepted with no hesitation afterwards.

"Well..." Herny sheepishly rub the back of his neck. "it's not my fault. Plus your sister compensate me for doing so. Please understand Anna" He laugh while he hold Elsa on the waist. Drawing circles on it with his thumb. Elsa had a smug look on her face.

"come on sis! You can't just take advantage of your boyfriend. Your abusing your powers. How is this fair?!" Elsa was honestly kinda enjoying bullying Anna, is it bad to think that way for is it just a sister/sibling thing?

"Anna if you don't start doing your work then I will have to ask Herny to add on" Gosh. Her sister was so evil. What does he see in her. Anna thought to herself but she was indeed happy that her sister happy. Anna cringe when she saw her sister kissed his cheeks and they both share a dreamy look with each other. Gross

"Say. Would you both like to come to the School's basketball court tomorrow afternoon to watch me play a friendly basketball match with St. Winters?" Henry suddenly asked and the sisters shared a look and smile

"why wouldn't I not want to support you! Of course, I will gladly come!" Elsa smiled and it made Henry's heart go wild. Where have she been all his life. She is what he need, what he crave from time to time. To be able to express and pour his love too and the same someone who would gladly return it twice the among like a successful investment.

"mmm... I think we will win cause my beautiful girlfriend is supporting me" He complimented, leaning forward to kiss her on the forehead. Gods does it feels like she was floating in space. She was feeling warm and fuzzy inside, it felt abit odd but nothing she can't get used too. Well she must cause she has a feeling that she was gonna get more of those.

"ewwwww. Come on guys! Not in front of me!" Anna growled whie the couple blushed furiously at her comment. They should really be more careful being lovey-dovey in public or else they will end up in more awkward situations like the one their having right now.

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