Chapter 8

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Percy's POV

Technically, his training was only a few minutes away from complete but since Artemis was in trouble and none of the gods could help her, Chaos decided she should send Percy and some of them first in advance. She'd let Percy stay, but Thalia and Jason had to go back because they haven't finished their training. Percy on the other hand had 'graduated'.

Now, after saving Artemis and her fellow hunters, he's being dragged back to Olympus. Artemis put one hand on his shoulder and flashed him to Olympus. Percy had gotten used to travelling by flashing by now.

"It's been a while." Percy sighed to himself. It really has been a while since he'd last saw Olympus. The last time he saw Olympus was five years ago, when he'd just returned from his six years of disappearance. Now that he thought of it, Percy was now twenty eight years old. Kind of old to be saving the world, but he didn't feel older though. It was like he was still like he was five years ago. Maybe Azurea had an effect on their aging.

"It really has been." Artemis said. "I must call the council."

They entered the throne room, which was empty. It wasn't really a surprise, since the gods were probably busy. "So, how do we call them?"

"Shh, I'll do the talking." Artemis said. Shessh, she really has changed. "Father, I'm summoning the whole council for an important matter."

Percy heard Zeus groaned slightly. "Artemis, do you know what time it is?"

"Not waking up, huh?" Artemis muttered. Zeus is asleep? "Percy's back!" Artemis shouted. As soon as she shouted that, the throne room trembled as twelve massive super powerful beings were trying to flash inside all at the same time. "Uh oh."

"What's happening?"

"You'd better close your eyes." Artemis warned. Percy obediently obeyed and closed his eyes. Then, he felt massive powers suddenly come into the room, all at the same time, nearly blowing him backwards. Before Percy could open his eyes, he was greeted by a warm hug. The man smelled like the sea and he was just as big as he was before. It was his father, Poseidon.

"My child, you have returned." Poseidon said with tears of joy streaming from his eyes.

Percy smiled and returned the hug. "I've missed you, father."

"I missed you too, my son."

"Well, well, he returns at last." A voice said. Percy opened his eyes to found himself facing the Olympian council, just as they were when Percy left them. They all had a bright smile on all of their faces as they saw Percy.

"This is the brightest day I've seen on Olympus since you . . . left." Hera stated out.

Although reluctant, Percy untangled himself from his father. He bowed to Zeus, but he shook his head. "There's no need for that, Perseus." Zeus said. "Although, I must ask, where are my children?"

"Jason and Thalia are fine, Lord Zeus." Percy said, reassuring Zeus. "And so is the others. They're going to have to stay in Azurea for a while because they have to finish their training."

"And what about you?"

"I've finished mine." Percy said. "With a lot of effort." He winced slightly when he remembered the training that Chaos had given him. Percy had never thought he'd experience a more difficult situation.

Again, the Fates are annoying.

"Well, it's glad to see that you're safe." Poseidon said with a smile, but his smile wavered when he asked his next question. "But why did Chaos take you?"

Percy's face turned a bit grim. "We have another war coming soon." Percy said. The council gasped in disbelief and mutterings were heard throughout the room.

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