Chapter 15

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Back in the hotel, the others were already asleep after a tiring day. Tomorrow, they were heading back to Manhattan to prepare for a war against the ultimate anti-Chaos deity, End (which also happens to be her brother).

Percy stayed awake and was sitting on the railing of the balcony. After the success of their plans, Artemis had informed them that Manhattan had been evacuated and there were almost no one else here, thanks to Hermes for helping with mortal transport. Camp Half-Blood is preparing for war while Camp Jupiter is on their way to Manhattan with the whole legion.

For a dude who's been in two major wars in Greek history, Percy can't believe he was being nervous. Then again, it was a battle against the brother of the deity that created the universe.

Percy stared at his hand. He'd fought against Kronos, and put Gaia back to sleep. He faced Nyx and Tartarus, learned the ways of Egyptian and Norse and also dragons. He was Chaos's student and received both Chaos's and End's blessings. He may sound powerful, but in truth he was still a demigod. Even though Percy was immortal, thanks to the involuntary help of Chaos, he didn't feel like it. He felt like even the scratch of even one blade was enough to kill him.

"I'm getting old for this shit," Percy mused to himself silently. If he remembered correctly, he's now thirty two of age. Unlike when he was younger, he was more powerful. Now, the age was draining him. Even if he was immortal, that didn't seem to stop from the back pain. His friends were finally settling down, like Jason and Piper. They're engaged and with luck, they can get married after this war. Percy hoped that it will happen, he surely did.

Then, he thought about his life with Thalia. He'd known her since he was thirteen, ever since he helped her recover from being a pine tree with the Golden Fleece. They've been through so much together, even if it wasn't very long. Thalia had been like a sister to Percy at the early stages of their friendship. After Annabeth's death and Percy's disappearance for five years, he had thought about Thalia. Then his feelings became more developed when they were training with Chaos. He figured that he'll settle down with Thalia after this, but he couldn't be too sure.

But his mind went to Annabeth's words when Percy told Annabeth to take care in Elysium. She said it wouldn't be possible. Did that meant the judges were putting her to Asphodel? If that was the case, Percy was seriously going to be pissed. Annabeth was a hero and deserved Elysium more than anyone. If Elysium had an exclusive membership, Annabeth should get one, because that was how special she was.

Then again, she would be in Elysium. Hades would make sure of that, since she'd helped his children, Nico and Bianca. Whatever the case was, he was going to deal with it sooner or later.

"Can't sleep, Perseus?" A soft female voice said next to him. Knowing his life, whoever called him by his full name were either monsters, gods or his mother when she's really annoyed. Judging from the warm and comfort aura, he guessed it was Hestia.

"Lady Hestia," Percy bowed slightly. Hestia smiled at him. "What can I be of service?"

"I just need someone to talk to," Hestia said. "It's been a while since I had a good chat with anyone."

Percy smiled back at her. "Good night tonight" Hestia waved her hand and two reclining chairs materialized themselves next to Percy and Hestia respectively.

"Please, sit," Hestia invited. Percy sat down and the chair felt very comfortable. "How are you doing, Perseus?"

"I think I'm doing alright," Percy said casually. "I mean, we just infiltrated the White House and barely escaped with our lives. But other than that, everything's good."

Hestia chuckled. "You never fail to amuse me, Perseus. How's your sister doing?"

"She's doing well," Percy said, looking at his sister who was sleeping peacefully inside, even with Nico snoring his ass off on the couch. "I feel bad though, leaving her for those years,"

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