Chapter 4

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Thalia's POV

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Tia said with an evil smirk.

She had Thalia pinned to the floor and her strength was incredible for a little girl. Her purple eyes glowed menacingly, showing something that looked like . . . madness? Thirst? Hunger?

"Tia, what are you doing?" Thalia asked as she tried her best to keep herself away from her pointy fangs, but there was no where she could've gone to. She'd pushed her self to the floor so hard, that she was afraid she might leave a crack somewhere. Thalia did a quick scan around the room and saw nothing and no one that could possibly lead to a point where she's saved.

"I'm trying to enjoy my meal." Tia's eyes grew wide as she inched closer towards Thalia's face. Her fangs seemed to get sharper and longer when she got closer and closer. Her breath was surprisingly sweet smelling and intoxicating. That worried Thalia a bit, because after smelling her breath, she had the urge to stop fighting and struggling and just fall asleep. Thalia's eyes almost closed before Percy's words rang in her ears.

Thank you . . .

Thalia's eyes shot open and saw that Tia was an inch away from her throat. Was she trying to bite her? Thalia used one trick that Thalia had tried to avoid to use, mainly because it hurts Thalia as well as anyone who's on the receiving end. Thalia channelled the energy inside her and let it out through her body, shooting arcs of electricity out of it. Tia got hit in the process and she screamed bit before she curled up on the floor in pain. Thalia gave out a scream herself, because she'd just had thousands of volts of electricity flowing inside her. Thanks to her being a daughter of Zeus, she can handle any amount of electricity but that didn't do anything to stop the pain from hitting her.

The numbness disappeared after a few seconds. Thalia struggled to stand up and her legs were shaking. Thalia sat on Percy's bed as she looked at Tia who was unconscious.

"What the fuck is happening . . ." Thalia muttered to herself. First, she'd just learned that her best friend killed her other best friend and now her new friend was trying to bite her throat out like she's a freaking vampire. Thalia sat still for a while, trying to get her composure together. Lady Artemis had given her permission to spend the day with Percy, since Thalia had missed him so much, but she didn't expect to get this kind of . . . day.

Thalia kept thinking about all the things that had happened to day, she didn't realize Tia had already gained consciousness. She lunged at Thalia while baring her fangs and aimed for her throat. There was nothing she could've done, except to wait and see what will happen. Her eyes just widened when Tia lunged at her. She braced for impact, but it never came. Thalia felt something different shifted on the bed.

Percy was awake, with his badly injured face. He had his hand stuck out to something near Thalia's neck. Thalia glanced at it and saw Tia's fangs sank into his wrist. Percy grunted and gritted his teeth in pain.

"Tia, what are you doing?" Percy asked. He sounds scary, almost evil. Tia didn't care. She looked like she was enjoying biting his wrist. Percy yanked his arm off of her mouth and kicked her aside. Tia got up quickly and lunged at Percy again. This time, Thalia was ready. She grabbed Tia's shoulders and pushed her down. Thalia swung around and put one knee on her back and pulled her arms backwards.

"Stay down!" Thalia said as she zapped Tia slightly on the wrists. Tia's back arched back and she gave a yelp of pain. It was hard not to let her go, considering she's only a twelve year old girl, but considering she'd bit Percy and almost killed Thalia, she left Thalia no choice.

"Let go of me." Tia struggled, but it was no use. Her incredible strength from before was already gone and she couldn't struggle against Thalia's firm grip. If she struggled any harder, Thalia would've snapped her arms backwards.

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