Chapter 11

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Tia stayed in her room because she couldn't go out during the day while Percy and Thalia went out and headed for the dining pavilion. Percy was in charge of the camp now and he couldn't leave without raising any suspicions. When the conch horn sounded, campers started to pour into the pavilion slowly. Some were still looking like a homeless person while some already got ready for breakfast. I sat on the head table with Reyna.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Reyna asked. Percy sighed a bit in relief. The water had healed him so his face wouldn't look like a total wreck.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit better now." Percy said. "Maybe I should've thought twice before challenging the creator of the universe." Reyna just chuckled lightly.

"We both know you're a Sea- I mean, an idiot when it comes to thinking twice." Reyna said. Percy just chuckled along and Reyna sighed in relief. Thalia had informed her about Percy still haven't gotten over Annabeth yet. The slightest reminder of her will send him down in an emotional roller coaster ride. Reyna had almost called him Seaweed Brain, which was Annabeth's nickname for Percy. Thankfully, Percy didn't seem to notice that.

Hey, Percy, Hermes spoke in his mind. I've got a delivery for you. Mind coming to Olympus? Besides, Zeus had asked an audience from the Olympians and also, you guys.

Percy was a bit confused. A delivery, from whom?

Uh, I don't really know actually. It doesn't have a sender's address. All it says is 'Send to Perseus Jackson'.

Well, I'll pick it up later and I'll tell the others about the meeting. Thank you, Lord Hermes.

Happy to help.

Percy turned towards Reyna. "Reyna, can you do me a favour?"

"Sure thing, Percy."

"Tell the ones that had trained with Chaos to come meet me at the Big House. I have something to tell them."

Reyna looked confused, but she didn't object. Percy stood up from his seat and faced the hundreds of campers.

"Listen up!" Percy said out loud. "As Camp Half-Blood's tradition, tonight we'll be having a game of capture the flag." There were some murmurings of excitement among the crowd. Percy assumed that they hadn't had played that game for a while because of the things that were going on. "You have the day to yourselves. Do what you please, but don't do something that I won't like and don't step out of camp borders without my permission."

Line Break

Percy waited at the Big House for the others. He was thinking about how he would get to the Sea of Monsters without raising any suspicious suspicions. The last time he went there, Clarisse had helped him with a steamship that her father gave her to aid her in her journey. He could just try and swim at the coast of Florida, where it's closer, but undoubtedly, the gods and especially Chaos will keep an eye on him. He needed to find some answers on why Annabeth was haunting him.

"Percy?" He heard Thalia called. He turned around to see Thalia, Jason, Reyna, Nico and Piper had already gathered and arrived. "Reyna said you had something to tell us."

Percy nodded. "Zeus asked for our presence in the council meeting. Don't ask me why, because I really don't know."

"Would Chaos be okay with that?" Piper asked.

Percy just shrugged. "My guess is, it's going to be a short meeting anyway." Percy said. "It won't take long."

In the end, they all agreed to go to Olympus. Percy prayed to Hermes so he could transport them from the Big House to the throne room of Olympus. In a matter of seconds, they all arrived at the throne room. Every god and goddess had already taken their seats in their respective thrones. For the first time when he came to the throne room, he didn't feel so powerless in the presence of the whole Olympian council. When he was still a kid, he felt weak and powerless but now, he barely felt the pressure from the powers radiated from the Olympians. Perhaps both Chaos's and End's blessing had an effect on him.

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