Chapter 14

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Percy's POV (Dream)

As the Argo II sailed in the skies, slowly descending towards the battlefield of Greece, Percy stood at the bow, scanning the perimeter. The large landscape was sufficient to be a battlefield.

A battlefield where he would soon be in.

He couldn't help but tremble a bit, but not because he was scared. It was because he was filling with anticipation and anxiousness. It was starting to overwhelm him, until a familiar hand gripped his. Percy looked over to see Annabeth, looking beautiful as ever. Percy would never think someone would've looked beautiful at the face of battling against one of the oldest primordials alive, but Annabeth pulled it off. Her blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail as usual, and her grey eyes seemed to soften.

"Feeling nervous?" Annabeth asked, her voice soothing Percy to the core.

"I guess so," Percy sighed. Annabeth leaned into his chest. "I just wish I could pretend that I was just fighting Kronos again. That would be a lot easier than fighting the dirt itself."

Annabeth chuckled a bit. "Well, the Fates are cruel,"

"If only they weren't total bitches,"

"Percy!" Annabeth smacked him. "You don't badmouth the Fates!"

"Sorry, it just slipped out of my mouth," Percy chuckled. "But truth be told, we do have the right to cuss them, you know? Considering the things they've put us through for the past five and a half years," Percy sighed. "But then again, I should thank them,"

"And why is that?"

"Because they led me to you," Percy said.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You can be cheesy when Dirt Bitch is already asleep,"

The dream then shifted into a different one. Percy and Annabeth were breathing heavily with sweat beaded on their foreheads. Annabeth had her ivory sword drawn, just as Percy had Riptide out. Percy's subconscious remembered this place. It was the doorway to the place that led to the room where they faced Gaia.

"Percy," Annabeth called. Although it was a dream, it was as if Annabeth was trying to speak to him directly. "Can you promise me something?"

"Anything for you, Wise Girl," Percy managed a smile, even though he was so drained out from the battles. When Annabeth spoke, something blocked her voice out. It was as if this particular part was distorted intentionally. It was as if hearing static underwater. Percy can't even read her lips, because they didn't seem much clearer. But in the dream, against his subconscious's will, he responded.

"You won't die on me, Annabeth. I promise you, I won't let Gaia kill you."


Percy woke up on the floor in cold sweat. He was breathing heavily. The others were asleep, so it must be in the middle of the night. The girls packed up the bed while Nico snored on the couch. Jason and Percy just took a pillow and a blanket and slept on the floor. As a demigod, Percy never learned to complain whether if he could get to sleep on a bed or on the floor. His life as a demigod when he was a teenager had been dangerous, and he'll be lucky to even get a minute of rest when being outside of Camp Half-Blood.

Percy went to the bathroom and washed his face a little. The dream was strangely vivid, except for the part when Annabeth was about to make Percy promise something. Strangely again, he remembered that scene clearly in his head, but he didn't remember about making a promise to Annabeth.

Maybe that's what Annabeth meant when she told him to remember.

He needed to get some air.

He stepped towards the balcony, where the cold night air seemed to greet him welcomingly. The crescent moon was bright, shining upon the city of Washington. Artemis seemed to be in a happy mood.

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