Chapter 17

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Chaos and destruction erupted near the base of Half-Blood Hill. Luckily for the warriors of Olympus, the enemy seemed to only have melee units. No arrows, rocks or even screaming fireballs came from the enemy side, but they knew better than to let their guards down. Clangs of metal, cries of war and screams of pain were heard throughout Long Island as End's army clashed with the warriors of Olympus.

For the first time since a while, Artemis felt alive in combat. She was actually fighting for something, instead of just hunting monsters just to make the Earth safer. Now, she's fighting to defend her home and her family. It reinvigorated her spirit of a true huntress. Her hunters picked up her aura and were doing much better than they had before. Their skills with archery were flawless. Combined with the help from Apollo's children, their ranged unit was a force to be reckoned with. It didn't take long for the battlefield to be littered with arrows.

Jason fought like never before, finally testing out his years of training in a full scale combat. He didn't have to hold back, he didn't have to show mercy. The enemy was threatening his home, his family and his friends. He could unleash all the destruction and carnage he wanted on the enemy. He sliced and diced at the incoming adversaries, carving a path forward.

He used Chaos's blessing. A projection of his arm came from his arm, forming a transparent yet solid layer that was much bigger than his original hand. He grabbed an enemy by the torso and flung him away, as if he weighed nothing.

For once, he was glad that his allies were on frenzy. The front lines were like a wall of pure destruction. Nothing gets close and lived to see another day and nothing gets through.

At the corner of his eye, something moved as quickly as lightning behind enemy lines, incinerating everything on its path. Jason realized it was Thalia, using her blessing from Chaos to its full extent. She turned into lightning form, zapped across the enemy forces, making a clean path for herself and then zapped back behind her allies to regain her strength.

While they were doing an amazing job, Jason couldn't help but feel a bit helpless. None of this will matter if Percy failed to defeat End. He decided to take his mind off of that by continuing the carnage he had started.

Things went wrong when Fuzzies were unleashed.

In truth, their name was so hard to pronounce, but Jason and his friends called the species Fuzzy. Why? Don't ask.

Barrelling behind the enemy, trampling its allies in the process, were half a dozen of Fuzzies, all ready for blood. Jason could feel his allies wavering from their newfound enemy, but he had to keep them at bay and strong. Jason summoned the strongest lightning he could even conjure and zapped one of the Fuzzies, and then another one, which led to four more while the other two got incinerated to dust.

"Nico!" Jason shouted through his earpiece.

"Kinda busy!" Nico replied.

"Keep the army at bay," Jason ordered. "I'll take care of the Fuzzies."

It didn't sound like much of a threat, considering of what the monsters were called. At least it's better than naming it something like Julie or Jose.

"You can't take that much alone," Nico said. Jason parried a strike from an enemy, kicked it in the gut before finishing him off with a stab. "You'll be crushed!"

"I'll back him up!" Reyna offered. The dusk slowly turned to night as the battle dragged on and on.

"Let's go!" Jason said as he took off and flew straight into a Fuzzy.


Percy grabbed Annabeth's/End's wrist and used her momentum to throw her off balance, but his opponent was as skilled as she looked. Annabeth smirked at the sight or Percy's panting.

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