Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

After Thalia had basically chased him all over camp with constant lightning striking around him, both of them finally wore off and decided to take a break. Percy sat at the head table, overlooking all the other demigods. All of them sat with their respective cabins, except for Reyna, who sat near Percy because, well, the Roman goddess Bellona doesn't really have a table in Camp Half-Blood, the Greek camp for demigods.

"How's your training going?" Percy asked Reyna.

"It's going fine, Percy." Reyna said with a smile. "Though I don't understand how you're able to do it in five years."

"It just takes hard work and determination." Percy said simply, but Reyna shook her head.

"It's not just that, Percy. It's your physical abilities. It surpasses even the ability of an immortal."

"Speaking of which, have Chaos made you guys immortal yet? I've never really talked to you guys about it."

Then, Reyna frowned. "Why would she make us immortal?"

"Wait, she said that you guys accepted immortality when she offered it to you." Percy said, now slightly confused.

"She never offered us immortality, Percy. Are you sure about this, or are you dreaming?" Reyna asked. Percy looked into her eyes and saw that she definitely had no idea what Percy was talking about. When Percy realized that he'd been tricked, he could barely control himself. "Percy? Are you okay? You're scaring me."

Percy contained his anger. "Clarisse! You're in charge. I have to go somewhere." Percy shouted.

"Wait!" Reyna said. "Where're you going?"

"I'm going to have a little talk with Chaos." Percy growled under his breath. He spread his single wing and flew towards the arena. His power intensified as the water vapour in the air froze into ice, making it ice cold. Percy's breathing got harder as he tried to control his anger.

"It looks like the cat is out of the bag." Chaos's voice said behind him. Percy turned around and saw what Chaos had been hiding throughout the five years he'd known her. For the first time, Percy saw Chaos's face clearly. She was beautiful, someone who seems to be in her mid twenties. Her complexion was pale and her eyes were glittery like the night sky filled with stars. Since he was immortal, Percy had no problem looking at Chaos's true face, but that doesn't seem important because he was being overwhelmed by rage. Percy let out a strong wave of power that would've knocked anyone on their butt, but it didn't seem to even make Chaos stagger. "Percy, you have to understand that I did this for a reason."

"You did this for a reason?" Percy growled. "You lied to me! I trusted you and you lied to me!" He shouted, letting loose another surge and wave of power.

"Percy, contain your powers or you'll vaporize everything." Chaos mumbled. Percy was reluctant, but he eased his breathing and tried to control his anger. "Very good."

"Explain." Percy simply said.

"I had to make you immortal because only you can face End at the final battle. Thalia and the others . . . They don't posses the ability that you have. You can extract people's Voids, your close combat skills are unmatchable and you're-" Chaos cut herself before she let out anymore details that he should know.

"I'm what?" Percy challenged.

"It's nothing, Percy."

"Answer me, Chaos. I'm what?" Percy said. His feelings were getting the better of him. Annabeth's face flashed through his mind, giving him a slight headache, but he ignored it. "Come on, Creator. Answer me."

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