...chapters of my life... musings of my mind...: David Morgan was fourteen years old, when his parents got killed in front of him. He's trying to live on... He's trying to forget... But these nightmares are always there. Why did his parents got kill...
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My parent's funeral was shortly after the incident. It was a cold day and I can't remember much of the day, other than crying a lot, but that wasn't much of a difference to the days before and after. I pretty much spent the time between the incident and the funeral in the hospital. My aunt came late in the afternoon on the day after the incident to visit me in the hospital. I think she arranged everything for the funeral in a couple of hours.
The only thing I can still remember about these two days, was that after the funeral and the ceremony and the get-together with a few friends and relatives, I walked back to my parent's grave late in the evening. It was already dark and it was raining heavily. And I couldn't stop crying. My aunt was standing a few feet behind me, watching me, as I took turns in crying to the sky and crying to my parent's grave.
I couldn't hear myself think. All I was thinking was: lord,
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So after the funeral, my father's sister took me in. She lived in a really small town on the countryside. There were just two more weeks of school left that year, but I had passed all necessary tests by the time, so it was no problem to finish the year without actually going to school.
So the day after the funeral we were already on the road driving to Aunt Kathy's place. We didn't really speak much the entire ride. I think Aunt Kathy wanted the funeral to be over as quickly as possible, so that I didn't have to go back to our empty house at all.
It took us about three hours to get there. Aunt Kathy parked the car right in front of a, pretty big, wooden house. It was surrounded by a small forest. I had never been there before, but it looked nice, quiet and secluded. It was the perfect place just to get away from everything.
It looked like there weren't many other houses in the area. Kathy told me it was about a ten minute walk to the town centre. As we were walking around the house, I saw that there was a lake right in front of it. The lake was also surrounded by trees, but in front of Kathy's house there was a clearing so you could see the entire lake and walk right into the lake as well.