...chapters of my life... musings of my mind...: David Morgan was fourteen years old, when his parents got killed in front of him. He's trying to live on... He's trying to forget... But these nightmares are always there. Why did his parents got kill...
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Often when Amber came, I was in a bad mood. It didn't start right away, but it got worse from day to day.
Also, she didn't understand why I acted that way. How could she? At some point I told her about the pain in my chest, because I just had to tell her something. I told her that my stomach was burning so heavily most of the times, I couldn't stand it. I didn't tell her to get sympathy. I told her so she would leave me the fuck alone.
But she didn't. All she said was that I should see a doctor. Great. I hate doctors.
But at some point, I gave in and made an appointment. And a week later I was already swallowing a medical tube.
They did a gastroscopy, where a camera is mounted on the tip of the aforementioned tube. And then, they shove the tube down your throat until it's all the way through the insides of your body.
And what's even worse, you're not allowed to eat or drink all day before the procedure.
What can I say? It was a lot of fun; lying there with the tube shoved down my throat; constantly choking because you're not able to swallow normally; tears floating your eyes; and feeling every inch of the tube while it is moving through your entire stomach.
A week later the doctor prescribed some pills and that was it.
The weeks after I started taking these pills, were actually a little bit better... regarding the pain in my chest. On the other hand, I wasn't allowed to drink alcohol.
At first, I obeyed. But soon the pain in my chest was back to its original intensity. The pills weren't helping anymore. And my mood changed back to what it was before the tube-swallowing.
During the time, where I didn't have so much pain, I lighted up a bit. And because of that fact, Amber was in a better mood as well. We did get along better.
But four or five weeks after my procedure I decided to stop the medication, which resulted in more sleepless nights and more fights with Amber.
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