Chapter 14

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Instrise pov *

I tapped my foot impatiently. Beside me, Maya stifled a yawn, scrolling through her phone while Connor didn't hold back. Stan had dozed off and Emily was quietly chatting with Max.  The Head of Houses were giving a lecture on the History of Iovera High, and it was getting rather boring in the entrance hall.

Out of everyone, Justin was the only one listening attentively. Or at least, seemed to be listening attentively. 

"Psst, Justin?" , I whispered.

"Yeah, Tris?"

"How can you listen to the boring lecture without getting distracted? I would have loved to follow the footsteps of Stan! He's got the right idea here, the only sane one."

"Who says I'm not getting distracted? Anyone will be distracted when there's someone like you sitting near them your voice is enough to make someone melt."



His eyes never moved away from the stage, his lips only curling up once when I first asked his the question. I felt heat rush to ny face at his answer, my brain over thinking a hundred possible make-believe scenarios.

"Say, do you know anyone from the other schools here?" Justin suddenly asked me.

I was startled. "No, not really, no. Why do you ask?"

Justin looked deep in thought.
"Huh...It's just that...If you turn back, you'll find a guy around 17 with brown hair staring at you. Think he's French, probably from Beuxramer Institute of Arts."

I blinked twice. Oh. I couldn't contain my curiosity and turned back once, careful to look around slowly so as to not raise suspicions. Sure enough, there was a cute guy looking straight at me.

Our eyes connected, and for some reason, I couldn't look away. Something in my brain shifted, and something just felt right. His choclate eyes could have help me hypnotized, and I wouldn't have known. I felt like I needed to go towards, needed to get closer, to hear his voice...

It was strange. I never was this illogical. This was stupid, but my eyes remain fixed.

I smiled a bit, almost uncounciously, and to my delight, he smiled back. That made my heart skip a beat, but for seemingly no reason at all.

"Intrise? Intrise!"  I snapped out of it, turning around to find Justin, Emily and Maya staring at me.

"Are we gonna go join the tour and help or...?" Maya trailed off, looking uncertain.

"Yeah, of course we are, right Justin? Emily would love a tour, I think."  I smiled at them.

Emily beamed at me, and Maya nudged Connor to help as they woke up Stan and began to look for Max, who had wandered off somewhere when I was unaware.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Justin looking at me worriedly.

"You okay?",  I asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine, but are you? You were kinda, umm, staring at someone back there, looking quite lost and ...Peaceful."  he coughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah...Yeah don't worry, I'm fine, sorry about that...Let's go now then?"

He looked disappointed and seemed like he wanted to question me further, but let it go, I picked up my bag, then couldn't help but look back towards the guy once again.

He was still there, observing me with a strange, cute smile on his face. I smiled back at him, my cheeks red before skipping off with Emily and Maya.

* _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ *

I have no idea what I'm doing, sorry! I might end up making this some crossover with Hogwarts or some shit, simply because "why not?" Because tf I'm done. It's also hilarious how much I've changed since I started this fanfic.

We Are Just Friends...right?- Justin Degryse × OCWhere stories live. Discover now