Chapyer 6 - Unwanted Flashbacks

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Intrise P.O.V

I turned and saw Justin calling my name.
"What a surprise. I could have never guessed who it was", my brain told me.
"Shut up", was all it got in return.

"Hi.", I replied. Not too cold tho.

"Umm. listen, Intrise. About that, back in class. I-I was just about to tell her off, and umm, she's in detention right now and-uh, the guys are really sorry about not standing up for you and - uh, umm. They, uh-"

" It's okay, Justin. I needed to be reminded that you can't stand up for me all the time. I need to do it too. I was becoming too weak, leaving my barriers down. My walls were going down, something I shouldn't have done. It was my mistake. And I don't care about Crystalina's detention, either. She'll do it if she wants. I shouldn't let her walk all over me."

Justin couldn't look me in the eye. I knew something was up,

"What's wrong, Degryse?"

There was something wrong with his expression. He almost looked...guilty?
Why did he feel guilty?

"Ermm, Intrise, I wanted to ask you, would you like to hang out today?", He blurted out.

"Sure...should I tell the others ?".

"No! Like, just you and me......."

I could feel the blush making its way up to my cheeks.

"Oh, umm. Okay, I guess. At, say. 4 ?"

" See you at 4."

He turned around and walked away at such a pace that you'll think he wanted to get away from me. Confused, I went to my room.

Why did he want to hang out alone and look guilty and it? We're friends, and it's normal right?

A small, idiotic, Aphrodite-dominated part of my brain whispered to me. "Well, if he likes you, he may have been feeling nervous. You may have misunderstood his expression. Maybe he likes you too!".

I felt my hopes rising but I quickly dashed them. Justin could never like someone like me. Also, I could never be mistaken about feelings or emotions, I have too much practice for that!! His expression also seemed familiar. He almost looked

Cold dread settled over me. I felt the emotions of my past catching up with me. No, no, no, this can't be happening!! I tried not to pass out, and hold on to the light, the present. I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door, I tried to call out, but couldn't. Tears rushed to me, but I held them back. I heard someone entering, but couldn't see anything. Darkness was settling over me. I felt someone sitting beside me, holding my hand.

The last thing I saw was Maya's hazy face over mine, hovering and calling out for me before I slipped into darkness was back into the memories of the past.


* 3rd Person's Point Of View *

Two girls, about the age of 13, were standing in the middle of a courtyard. Around them, in a distance, were a whole crowd of what seemed like school students, standing in a circle, watching them quietly.

Both of them had tears running down their cheeks. One had a shocked, betrayed expression on, while the other had one of immense guilt and looked really nervous and sorry to do whatever followed next.

"Please, do-don't, Yashi. You don't have to, I'm here for you, you know it. You don't have to do this alone. Please." the shocked girl pleaded.

We Are Just Friends...right?- Justin Degryse × OCWhere stories live. Discover now