. News .

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Hey guys

I know. How many months has passed since I last updated? 

Ages. I know. 

However, I swear I have valid reasons. 

I had finished my end of term exams ages ago and wanted to go on a full on update spree. But I couldn't for many reasons.

1. My ipad got taken away. 

2. I went through a break up, which only brought back on more shocks later on, finding out more secrets and other such stuff. 

3. I'm a teen, and yes, I know we're supposed to learn more about ourselves at this time and experience emotions more than ever before, but I never expected such sharp shocks and such negative emotions over so small things. 

4. I grew ill in April, and was really really weak, like, I couldn't lift my head to drink water, couldn't eat or drink or anything, really and even after I recovered, I started facing other problems, and I still am. I don't want to eat, drinking is alright, and loads of things have changed. I also have started having memory issues. I can't remember any of the Japanese, Spanish or French stuff I had learnt over the past 4-5 years, and many other memories are missing as well. The doctors said they can't do anything about it, this happened because I was too dehydrated and weak at that time. 

I still am not any better, and I have a bad feeling that more shocks, negative stuff and such are on it's way to me, but I'm trying to get better. 

And in midst of everything, I have one, small good news. 

So far, I had to hide everything I wrote on Wattpad from my mother. She has now allowed me to be on Wattpad, provided that I don't stop my writing, creativity and such outside Wattpad and continue to write my original novel, small articles and of course, my school work. 

So I can promise an update soon, maybe in the next one week. 

Thank you guys so so much. 

Tip for...life(?): Just don't let anyone change your view of a person you knew first. Anyone can be manipulative, even the ones who seem sweet and in need of help. 

Good luck guys.

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