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   Shadie's pov

It has been 3 years since the cadets have been training and today I'm making them run through the forest carrying their gear. I saw Arlet lagging behind the rest "ARLET IF YOU CAN'T RUN WITH YOUR GEAR THEN LEAVE IT BEHIND, THE TITANS WOULD HAVE A EAISER TIME DIGESTING YOU!!" Armin Arlet academically gifted but built like a dandelion.

I then saw Braun moving towards Arlet and helped him carry his gear. Does he not know this will affect his grade? He talked with Arlet and Arlet yelled out something and grabbed his gear back and started to move faster

Reiner Braun He's strong as an ox and has a will to match. But more than anything, he has earned the trust of his comrades. Everyone reached the location to use the odm gear "ALL RIGHT EVEYONE THIS TRANING WILL HELP YOU KILL TITANS TRY TO GET THE MOST AMOUNT OF KILLS. NOW GO!!"

Everyone zipped off and I started to document them. Annie Leonhart The angle of approach of her slashing attack is impeccable. She carves deeply into the target. Personality-wise, she tends to be a loner and has trouble cooperating. I moved on to the next, Bertolt Hoover He's mastered every single skill that's been taught. And I believe he has a lot of potential. But he lacks drive and tends to leave decisions to others.

Jean Kirstein He has a deep understanding of the vertical maneuvering equipment and excels at exploiting that skill. He can also take in a situation at a moment's glance, but his personality is like a drawn sword, which tends to create conflict.

Connie Springer He has a fine sense of balance and is effective at vertical maneuvering. However, he has got a slow mind and often makes strategic mistakes. Sasha Blouse She moves quickly and has remarkable instincts. But she has issues with structure, making her ill-suited for organized activity.

Eren Yeager Though proficient at barehanded fighting, he doesn't seem to have any other skills...But he possesses a sense of purpose that's twice as strong as anyone else's. Through constant effort, his grades have improved steadily.

I then moved on to the 2 star cadets. Mikasa Ackerman She has mastered every single difficult subject perfectly. Her talent is historically unprecedented, making her the most valuable of them all but her only weakness is that she cares about her 3 friends more than herself especially Y/N, and Yeager. Y/n he is amazing at handling odm gear and is amazing at hand to hand combat with some times he ends up teaching his friends how to fight. Only weakness is about the same with Ackerman he seems to care about only her wellbeing while she only cares about his and Yeager's as well.


Y/n pov

We were doing hand to hand combat right now and I was facing off against another cadet. He ran towards me putting his fist out and leaning as if he was putting all his strength into this one punch. I noticed so I just leaned left and he fell on his face. He got up but was embarrassed so he walked away. I didn't really care I just got more free time so I walked up to where Eren and Reiner were fighting.

"Come one Eren flip him on his ass like I taught you!" "Hey!" Reiner said, when he was caught off guard Eren kicked his leg making him fall on his stomach and letting go of the dagger. "Nice job Eren" I said "Thanks its all because of you for teaching me those moves" He said "Dang Eren you really suck at holding back" Reiner said while getting up and stretching "Yeah man sorry about that"

"Don't wo-" Reiner stopped mid sentence he looked over at Annie who was walking away from the training "Hey Annie where do you think your going?" "I'm going somewhere else better than this." "Oh I see you think you are all high and mighty and know how to fight that you can just skip out on training." "Yeah I am and I can prove it to you right now."

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