Struggle for Trost part 6

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Everyone yes sir!!

Armin was breathing heavily after

Armin I didn't actually think he would go along with my plan i-it was purely optimistic!

(Y/N) Aye don't worry about it Armin it sound like a great plan to me and besides I'm highly certain commander Pyxis knows how to handle the situation correctly.

Armin yeah I guess your right, thanks.

(Y/N) anytime Armin

(Y/N) then walks away humming and singing the song Dragon soul

(Y/N) Don't stop, don't stop we're in luck now..

Down with the rest of the solider below the wall...

Rando solider 1: W-What did they think we can retake Trost!? W-We don't have that much technology to do that!

Daz T-They are trying to send us out to our deaths again!! No.. NO!!! IM NOT GOING OUT THERE AGAIN IM LEAVING!!

Marco Aye! Relax Daz! We gotta hear what they have to say first-

Officer Deserting is a execution! I should kill you where you stand!!

Daz Do it!! I'd rather be killed then be eaten alive by titans!!

Daz then pulls out his sword while Marco tries to stop him. Because of the big argument of daz, soldiers started to leave fearing for their lives. Meanwhile back on the wall..

Pyxis Did you know that in legend there was a enemy so fierce every man had stopped fighting each other in order to team up and face it together?

Eren I doubt that enemy exist. The legend just sounds naive.

Pyxis You think like me as well! Come take a walk with me. You too (y/n).

(Y/n) A-Alright.

We three continue walking until we reach hannes team.

Hannes Hey! You kids alright? Why are you waking with the commander?

Eren Tsk! Focus on your own work hannes. Your team probably needs you.

We continue walking until we reach the edge and Pyxis takes out a flask.

Pyxis Do you boys want any?

(Y/n) I'm good.

Eren Scaredy cat. I'll take a swig!

Eren then takes a drink and immediately spits it out.

(Y/n) Stupid fuck.

Eren Shut up!

Pyxis, eren, and me stand on the edge waiting for Pyxis to command everyone.

On the ground, chaos still ensues as people are fearing for their lives. All of a sudden Pyxis yells out silencing everyone.

Pyxis ATTENTION!!! We have a plan to seal up the hole caused by the colossal titan!!

Murmurs were heard all around.

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