Chapter 2

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Lee Ji Yung

I sighed. This is really irritating. I looked at the room. Why is everything fucking grey. Ugh.

After sorting things out, Seo Jin said he got two rooms one was an office and inside the office was a room attached. I chose that one because it was smaller than the other one and since I was taking a room alone, i felt like two would fit the large one better.

This wasn't bad though. It was brighter than the other ones. It had a shelf with some files arranged neatly and some small terrarium plants, a large desk- table and an executive chair. Behind that was a large window which doesn't even open. What's the use of that again?

'Chairman' words were engraved on the small name plate on the table, although the chairman had resigned today as per as what Seo Jin was told.

It was raining a lot outside which was good since the reporters ran away.

Would it be a good idea to go out in the rain? I suddenly feel like enjoying the rain. But imagine if Seo Jin sees me playing on the rooftop.

Miss Ji Yung, I already told you to be serious. Now you might catch a cold you know that very well. I made a face. I could very well imagine what he would say.

He doesn't have to know. Right? Right.



Hwang Hyunjin

This was all because of me. I ran my hands through my soaked hair, dripping. I was standing in the rain here, trying to do something I never thought I would be doing.

I stepped further out. It is really....high.

I was gasping for breathes. This problem arrived again. It always happens when I practice too hard or cry a lot. I chuckled darkly.  I'm not even as strong as a man should be.

"WHYYYYY?!!!!!" I screamed. "WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER WHEN I'M INNOCENT?!!! I DID NOT EVEN DO ANYTHING!!! I JUST... WANTED TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY WITH MY TALENT AND WORK HARD!!!!" My voice was shaking and it was hoarse. I knew no one could hear me because of the sound of the drizzling rainstorm.

I gripped the letter tighter in my hands. I had signed my dismissal letter. Letter for breaking out of Stray Kids.

Having seven members are better than the humiliation and hate we are getting all because of me.

I closed my eyes and broke down. My heart ached and I felt a lump in my throat. My body felt weaker, I felt like I was going to pass out any minute. "I'm.... really sorry. Everyone is suffering because of me." I managed to say.


I looked to my right and left. Okay Ji Yung. Good job. No one saw you walking from that cabin to the elevator. I sighed in relief and got inside, pressing the button of the eleventh floor.

"Off we goo!!!!" I squealed happily.

The door to the elevator opened after a few seconds, and then I immediately ran out and got up the stairs.

Eh? The door to the rooftop is open? Is someone here already? I couldn't hear anything since the sound of rain was already pattering on the ground with so much force.

I got inside the door soon feeling the cold breeze and the water dripping through my clothes, soaking my hair.


I flinched and my eyes widened in shock. Infront of me was a tall figure, hair till shoulders, but it was a guy, I could figure out from the silhouette. Since I didn't have my glasses and Jay Why Pee decided to not even put a light here. I could not see much. The voice was hoarse and shaking but I could figure out it was the voice of a man. A crying man.

I immediately thought of Hwang Hyunjin for some reason. No Ji Yung. A lot of guys have shoulder length hair. I said to myself.

The figure stood on the railing of the roof.

And that's when I figured out.


I ran closer to the figure.

"I'm.... really sorry. Everyone is suffering because of me." The voice came out in a whisper. Sounds exactly like Hyunjin?!!!!!

"HWANG HYUNJIN??!!!" I exclaimed. "YAH!!????!!!!" I pulled him back, making us fall on the ground. "YAH HWANG HYUNJIN YOU CRAZY? YOU CRAZY STUPID DUMBASS!!!!!!!! $#$**#@$*!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO DIE?!!!!!" I shook him back and forth to see no sign of life. "You absolute fucking idiot."

He's absolutely burning him. This dumbass is screaming in the rain with fever like WHERE THE FUC IS BANGCHAN- I thought.

Panic Panic Panic Panic.

I am wet. He is wet. Wha-

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

NOT NOW JI YUNG. NOT NOW. I calmed myself down.


So how do you like your female lead so far? 👀💅🏻

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