Chapter 18

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Chan immediately put his hand on Jisung's mouth to prevent him from screaming as she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. I feel like these boys are gonna expose me soon.

"Sorry Noona- ehehehe." Jisung looked at her, smiling in embarrassment. "Just couldn't control myself."

"But seriously though, why did you guys break up? far, you both seem crazy in love- and how does he doesn't recognise you- your name is the same, plus your face-"

"Aishh, Channiee, calm down. So many questions. So yeah, about the break up part, I'm getting to that. I am the one to blame. And about not recognising me..... Puberty hit me really really really, I changed my hairstyle too, so-" She smirked.

"My surname was Kim before. Now it's Lee." She saw the older's eyes going wide open and she quickly said—

"And before you say something, no, I'm not married or something." She made it clear and Chan sighed in relief, not sure why.

"Anyways so moving on."

Ji Yung walked under the umbrella, her hands intertwined with Hyunjin's. "You know, I really fell in love with your letters." She muttered, resting her head slightly on his shoulders.

"Pfft, if I knew it would work so fast- I would have done it sooner." She could feel him chuckle slightly.

"Hyunjin-ah, so....are we dating?" She asked as she nudged him slightly.

"Hm....I need to think." He joked.

Ji Yung immediately looked at him in disbelief.  "You did not!!" She gasped and hit him on his arms.

Suddenly, Hyunjin dropped the umbrella and picked her up spinning her around, making Ji Yung almost squeal at the sudden action.


"Ji Yung-ah, I really love you." He said, putting her back on the ground, giving her forehead a light kiss.

Ji Yung feels a thousand butterflies flying in her stomach as she wrapped her arms around him, "Hwang Hyunjin, You will never know how much you mean to me."

"You all can never imagine how much I was in love with him. After that, we started dating, and to be honest, everything felt like spring.

And also, I used to tease him so much. Whenever he used to be called by the teacher to solve the sum, I used to make kissy faces or finger hearts at him, making him freeze like an antelope in the headlights. He used to blush so hard, especially his ears used to be so red.

I really remember this one time, when he offered me to buy ice cream from the school cafeteria. I told him I liked all the flavours so take any. And he brought each flavour which was available. That idiot." Ji Yung chuckled softly as she continued.

"And then during classes sometimes, he used to tickle me from under the table and once I had a hard time holding on to my laugh so I almost screeched- and can guess what happened after that. We both got detention."

"It's your fault we got detention today. I'm not talking to you." I sulked walking ahead as Hyunjin walked behind me.

"Wae??! How can you be so cruel- talk to me!!" He whined like a kid and made a puppy face.


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