Sumo! MR X BBW! Ino! (Modern AU)

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A/N: Requested by Zaksaurus33! This is Also A Modern AU Since I'm Kinda lacking Ideas for this

Sumo Wrestling. It is A Japanese form of sport that goes Back Hundreds of years ago, and remains A Popular sport even today, as it's Like the Japanese version of Boxing or even wrestling, and the elements of it are incorporated everywhere from Video Games Like SSBU, And even Anime such as Dragon Ball where In tournaments you have to push your opponent out of the ring!

There are even schools dedicated to teaching those who play the sport and breed Champions but there is One girl who is Hoping to shake History and Change everything once and for all, and make the playing field even for Women in this Male-dominated sport!

Ino: This is my Big Day! Today is my Big Beginning in A Journey to Stardom!

This is Ino Yamanaka, A Flower girl Hailing from the Hidden leaf Village, and A Determined girl ready to make her way through the sport to inspire A Generation of women to challenge standards!

This is Ino Yamanaka, A Flower girl Hailing from the Hidden leaf Village, and A Determined girl ready to make her way through the sport to inspire A Generation of women to challenge standards!

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She stood at the Massive Gates to the School and when she Knocked on it A Voice came through!

Guard: Hey! No Entry! Go Away!

ino: No I'm Ino Yamanaka! I'm the First-ever female Student

Guard: Oh really? Well, that's A Horse of A Different Color! Please come in!

Just then the doors Opened and suddenly The Smell of A Delectable stew hit her nose as she smiled, realizing that she didn't eat her entire Journey here because she was so excited so is willing to eat as Much as She can!


Ino despite being introduced welcomely by the headmaster, was still being Ostrichized by almost everyone because she's A Woman which she Plans to show them up... But first, she needs to eat first!

She kept looking around for A Place to sit when...

???: Hey Over here!

Ino then Points to herself confused

???: Yeah, Over here, C'mon I won't bite!

She then walked over to him and sat down next to him and she started realizing how Puny she felt, The guy was at Atleast 158 Kg, and she was Nothing but A Skinny twig next to him!

???: First day Huh?

Ino: Y-Yeah

???: Don't worry it's Hazing

Ino: Hazing?

???: Yeah despite everyone being adults they all still like Teenagers with no maturity, Also they will expect you to wash all of the dishes

Ino: Oh because I'm A Woman!?

???: No! Because it's Hazing

Ino: Sorry about that, I get that A Lot, My Fathers reputation gives me that, My Name is ino Yamanaka. You?

Y/n: Y/n L/n, I hail from America

Ino: Oh Cool, I come from the Hidden leaf Village up in the Mountains

Y/n: Cool, But why is your dad's reputation going to make Sexist remarks at you

Ino then Mumbles her breath

Y/n: What?

Ino: (Sigh) My Father was the Famous Silver Shogunate




Y/n: Oh Sorry! (whispering) You're Dad is the fucking silver shogunate!?

Ino: Yeah, I always told everyone I would continue his Legacy but everyone Just laughed at me every time I would say it because 'Girls can't do that' But that's Bullshit

Y/n: Hmm

Ino: What?

Y/n: Look, Your Father was my Hero and I was hoping to get into the International League and that's where You're going too, so we can help each other, You Know?

Ino: Really? Thank you

She then hugged you as you were confused!

Y/n: (Blushing) Uh... You're Welcome Ino

Ino: (Blushing) Thank you so much, I will never forget this

A Few Months of Training Later...

So You both went down on A Few Months of A Bunch of Training Montages, and A Bunch of Eating so Ino would build up the perfect amount of Fat and Muscles to make this A Breeze for someone Like her! You never taught her all of the Pointers and Techniques so she can fight on par with far bigger Opponents!

With Time the two of you had spent together Spent of Training and eating, the two of you had Kept growing closer with Ino viewing you as the first Man who actually have her A Chance in this sport, and With you Learning more about her determination, Skill, and the drive to complete her goals, not to mention she is an absolute beauty who only kept getting more beautiful with the Piles of Pounds she put on and they gave her this perfect hourglass figure that made her even more beautiful!

We cut to now as you were finished eating Another hearty meal with Ino and she smiled feeling her Fatty arms and The Tons of Muscles underneath that made her deceptively Tough underneath her Fluffy figure!

Ino was Giggling as you took Notice!

Y/n: Man You sure seem Happy Ino

Ino: Of course I am! It's because of all of the Training you put me through! I'm now about ready to fulfill my dreams once and for all! And Look at my Chest! I never imagined them being this big! This would make all of the girls jealous back home!

Ino: Of course I am! It's because of all of the Training you put me through! I'm now about ready to fulfill my dreams once and for all! And Look at my Chest! I never imagined them being this big! This would make all of the girls jealous back home!

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Y/n: (Blushing) Um... Y-Yeah, T-That's Pretty cute Ino, Um... I got something to tell you

Ino: Oh Really? what is it?

Y/n: I... Um... I was just going to ask to... Um... You see I have developed A Little crush on-

Just then Ino, being the flirt she is quickly began hugging you into her Massive Chest as she smiled!

Ino: Awww, I like you too You Goofball! You're the first person to ever really believe in me, and Give me A Fighting Chance! Say how about we go out for some Icecream in town and maybe then we can Pick out some flowers?

Y/n: Is that A Date?

Ino: What do you think GoofBall?

Y/n: I'll Take it as A Yes

Ino: Great!!

She then grabbed her hand and dragged you outside as A New adventure is about to Begin, and Maybe some dreams would come true soon enough!

To Be Continued?

Male Reader X Female One-shots (Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now