Goddess X Male Reader!!

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Your Name is Y/n L/n, You Live in Japan, Go to Highschool, and You are one of the Popular Boys which every Guy Fawns over, but there is One girl in Class, who also fawned all over you, but she was too Shy to say it, and her Name is Haruko Izumo. 

Haruko Is the School Loner to who no one Pays attention because as she would put it, she's Nothing special, but you always tried to pay attention to her when none of the girls were trying to Claw at each other Just to try and Talk to you!

Today was the Day She was Finally going to Confess to you. She Planned Nothing Big today, as she Just Planned to Talk to you Private and Just Confess to you right there!

Haruko: Y-Y/n-Kun?

Y/n: Oh Hey Izumo-Chan anything you Need?

Haruko: Y-Yes, I was just going to ask if-

Just then A Spine chilling presence appeared Behind her and It was 3 People who she Hoped with all of her Heart didn't ruin this moment. It was the Popular Trio, the Schools Biggest Bitches, and The 3 Most Popular girls, which Probably went to their Heads rather quickly.

Bitch 1: Hello Y/n-Kun why are you talking to this Nobody?

Y/n: She's Not A Nobody

Bitch 2: Well she sure has A Big Mouth!

Y/n: No She doesn't

Bitch 3: Well she certainly is pretty Ugly, you have to admit that


Bitch 1: Well what can we Say? She's A Terrible girl. I mean she's A Gross, dirty, stupid Otaku with no Sense of Fashion or Skills

Y/n: I Strongly disagree (Thoughts) I wish I can tell others

You were Basically A Closet Otaku as you know People kinda see those Kinds of People as People who never groom themselves or pay attention to the outside world, and That's Not True, especially with you.

Y/n: Hey Izumo-Chan are you- And She's gone

Haruko was Now gone as the school had just ended, as the School Bell rang letting everyone out for the Day, and you got up Grabbing your stuff, thinking about Haruko.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I Hope Haruko is Okay, I know those girls are mean but I don't want her to get Hurt


Haruko was Now through the Mountains, Kicking rocks, and Just thinking about her Failure as she sighed!

Haruko: (Sigh) Great Job Haruko You Just failed on your one chance to Confess to Y/n, and He Now thinks Your A Joke

Just then she Kicked another Rock but instead hit something Metal, and she Began digging through the dirt Until she found A Golden Bottle!

Haruko: Hmm, A Golden Bottle? Maybe I can sell it to Buy Myself A New Gaming system, But there's some Inscription on the Back, I Better read it first

She then began to wipe the dirt off but just then...

Haruko: A-Are you A Genie?

???: Well Actually I'm A Jinn, The Term Genie is Just A Western Name, but we can also Be Known as Spirits or Ghosts

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