Male Reader X THICC Dullahan (Part 3: Beach Episode)

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Today is A New Day with THICC Dullhan Girlfriend from the world of Irish Mythology and you were Just, in the room Playing Your Video games when Cassie Busted into your room And Yelled...

Cassie: let's go to the Beach!!

You then Paused your game, took A Deep breath, and said

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You then Paused your game, took A Deep breath, and said...

Y/n: Nope, I ain't gonna go

Cassie: Huh? Why? The Beach is Fun!

Y/n: No It Isn't

Cassie: Why?

Y/n: Oh Let me count the ways, Well The water is filled with the Piss of every animal that lives there, There are tiny crabs living under the sand, and speaking of the sand, it burns your feet, and it gets everywhere, It's Hot as Hell, and you might as well get Skin Cancer from A Terrible sunburn, and Not to Mention Seagull's are there and their Total assholes who are Like Goons, Minus the Supervillain

Cassie: Oh Come on~ Please~?

Y/n: No,

Cassie: Aww, But I wanted you to see my New Swimsuit

Y/n: You're what now?

Cassie: My New Bikini, I Just got it fitted for the Occasion

Y/n: ... Let's go then

Cassie: Yay!! I'll go and Get All the stuff we Need!


You were Now at the Beach wearing A Pair of Black Swim trunks and A White swim shirt, as you were sent ahead to Pick A Spot, and you were being very Picky because of how much you despise the beach!

Y/n: Okay Too close to the water, too Close to the Dunes, Too Many seagulls, thank god there is Nobody here, Um... Oh, This is A Good spot!

You then Pick A Random spot and you lay down the towels, as you Pulled out Bottles of Water, some Sunscreen, A Volleyball, Some sand castle Building stuff, and as soon you finally began to relax, Cassie finally showed up!

Cassie: Oh Y/n-Kun, You mind putting some Sunscreen on me? I-I tend to Burn really easily, You know Being Irish and all... Fair skin...

 Fair skin

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