The Arrival

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Akio POV

"I wanna take a bath." A sigh can be heard from the front of the aircraft from Dr. Franxx. I was sitting next to Zero Two on our way to another plantation, so far everyone was quiet.

She tried to get her partner's opinion on how she smelled when the doctor spoke up. "Let the man rest. That last battle took a lot out of him." 'Piloting with Zero will take a lot out of anyone.' When it was clear she wouldn't get an answer from her partner she turned to me. "Brother how do I smell?" I don't remember when it happened but at some point in time, she started calling me brother. Though I don't really mind, it feels nice knowing I have some kind of family

"You smell fine Zero Two." She seemed satisfied with my answer and smiled for a bit, though it was replaced when she looked like a thought crossed her mind. "This plantation 13 have an ocean?" Nana seemed to be a bit curious about the sudden request, but being around Zero Two for so long I got used to hearing her random questions.

She wasn't that pleased when she learned there wasn't an ocean. She had moved her glove a bit and licked her hand. "Ugh, I really hate how I taste." She glanced over at me before she asked me a question. "Hey Akio, where's your partner?" I was gonna say something but Nana beat me to it. "She will be arriving tomorrow, I thought it would be best if you all didn't arrive at the same time so you don't intimidate them too much." I had turned to look out the window before muttering something. "It's not like Zero Two being the partner killer will scare them enough." 

Even though I was muttering it was loud enough for her to hear, she turned and glared at me while Zero two started snickering.

Once we did get off the ship the Doctor started complaining about how uncomfortable the seating was.

I was walking in the back of the group since I wanted no part in what they were saying, especially when I saw the doctor grab Nana's bottom. 'I feel sorry for her...' I had my hands behind my head as we walked to where ever we were going, but I had noticed something the others didn't. I saw that Zero Two was sneaking off on her own, since I was in the back it was easy for me to hurry and follow her. When I did catch up to her she had a smirk on her face. 

"I didn't know you were the type to sneak off brother." I sighed as we walked through the hall, I saw her look behind us and smirk which probably means they realized we left. Not that I cared enough to go back right now.

After walking for a while we found a lake that was covered in a light fog. Zero Two got excited and started to undress, probably to get in the water. I had claimed up a tree so I could relax, when I sat on one of the branched I heard Zero Two call out to me. 

"Brother, why are you in a tree? At least sit by the water."

"So you can splash me like you usually do? No thanks." She pouted before she dove under the water.

After a few moments, I felt my communicator vibrate in my pocket. I felt a small smile form when I realized who it was. 

035: Did you get there safely?

I slightly chuckled when I read the message, even when she's not here she's still looking out for my well-being.

011: Yeah we got here safely.

035: Glad to know you're ok, I'll see you when I arrive. 

I hadn't realized it but someone else had joined Zero Two in the water, I guess I got caught up in things. "I thought you wanted to take a dip too." 

"I wasn't staring. I was worried that you were drowning out there ok? I-" 

"If she was drowning I would have helped her." He visibly jumped when he heard my voice, I jumped down from the tree and stood next to Zero Two. the boy seemed shocked but I heard Zero two hum before she hit her palm with her fist.

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