Chapter One

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"Wear this." Charlotte (Lottie) said, her blonde hair floating behind her as she ran and placed some slacks and a dress shirt with a blazer on my bed. "This is inconspicuous, nobody would realize."

"Lottie, I'm not wearing a dress shirt." I protested.

"And why not?" Félicité (Fizzy) asked from the door way. Georgia poked her head in and I groaned at the fact that they were constantly buzzing around lately.

"Louis please, we don't want anything to happen while you're gone." Georgia said silently.

"Well then I shouldn't be going to an all boys school. That's begging for trouble!" I groaned.

"It's how society is going to find out who's gay or not in our generation." Lottie said with an annoyed tone. "Do you think I want to go to an all girl school? Better yet live there?" She rolled her eyes. "Girls are sneaky little things."

"Well at least Daisy, Phoebe, and the twins get to stay with mum and dad since they're younger than thirteen." Fizzy said.

"Anyone who knows me knows I'm gay." I snapped, angry about the fact that I had to hide who I was.

"You could always use your birth name." Lottie said, sitting on the bed beside me, her blonde hair thinking it was supposed to fall on my shoulders as well as hers.

I couldn't really choose a favorite out of the girls but Lottie was always there for me even when she didn't have the time, she'll drop everything and come to my side. She was the first one I came out to and she stayed up hugging me all night while I cried. Now everyone knew and they all shared a singular mission. Protect Louis Tomlinson.

"I don't think Louis Troy Austin is attractive at all." I groaned.

"The point is to blend in not be attractive." Georgia said, rolling her eyes as she walked away.

"I can't help that I'm attractive. I was born this way." I said, flipping Lottie's blonde locks since my hair was too short.

"This is serious Lou! You have to be inconspicuous!" Fizzy cried.

Georgia came back in and dropped a bag on my lap. I opened it up and a yelp escaped from my mouth. I looked up at Georgia who simply shrugged. Lottie and Fizzy both pretty curiosity get the best of them both and they peered inside. Their faces turned tomato red with embarrassment from the bags contents.

"Georgia, you gave our brother porn as a going away present?" Lottie exclaimed.

"I think I'm way too young to see that." Fizzy said, rubbing her temples.

"I'm still stuck on the fact that you have him porn." Lottie said, holding up one of the DVD cases.

"Straight porn at that, like ewww. Those girls and their annoying screams and fake sounds." I said in disgust. The chick on the cover vagina looked like it was overused and falling out.

"I'm thinking about his cover you idiots. All straight guys have a secret stash of porn. I went ahead and downloaded some to your phone as well." Georgia said matter of factly.

"I think I'm going to projectile vomit." I said.

"Actually that's pretty smart. Louis this could work. Just be extra careful about what you do with your hands and that sassy mouth of yours." Lottie said, clapping her hands together.

"Not to mention your neutral bitch face you have sometimes." Georgia said. Fizzy just nodded along quietly, all three girls judging my actions.

"You don't know me." I sassed, crossing my arms. The girls burst out laughing at my reaction and I snatched the bag up and the case from Lottie and them both into my suitcase.

I looked up at them just as my mum knocked on the door, her face stained with tears. She looked at us with sad eyes, telling us the full story of how she was against this. How this went against everything she's ever believed in. How she was scared shitless for me.

"We have to send you all away in a bit." Mum, Johanna, said. She bit her lip and slowly walked backwards. "I'll drive you all to school alright. Your father sends you all his regards and is livid he couldn't be here to see you off." She mumbled.

"Mum, we're big kids, practically adults. I think we'll be okay." Lottie said. Lottie had a tenancy to react harshly to some of my mom's melodramatic actions. However this time I believed she was only saying this in an effort to make her believe it herself. She looked at me with huge eyes and I nodded, walking over to hug our mum.

"It's okay dearie, nothing will happen to us. We'll all be back once we're eighteen. It's only a year for me." I whispered, kissing her tear stricken face lightly. She sniffed loudly, blinking multiple times in a futile effort to fight the tears. I leaned into her ear mumbling lightly, "You have to be strong for us mum or else we would be lost."

"O-okay." She said, her voice cracking. She nodded quickly, straightening her shirt as she tried to regain her composure. "Grab your bags everyone, we leave in five." She said.

Everyone nodded and went to their own rooms to gather their things. I grabbed my bag and walked to the nursery where the twins slept. My neighbour, Mr. James, was babysitting the little ones while mum was going to drop us off.

Ernest and Doris had cribs that were side by side. I had especially taken a liking to Ernest since he was my only little brother. Both of them were sound asleep while Mr. James rocked back and forth in his rocking chair, reading a novel. He nodded my way, never taking his eyes from the page he was on and I waved back even though it was pointless but it was just out of courtesy.

I leaned over each twin's crib and kissed their foreheads lightly, afraid to wake them up. More out of fear that I wouldn't want to leave than of them waking up and having a fit.

I silently walked out and turned the corner to Phoebe and Daisy. Without saying a word they both embraced me in warm hugs and I hugged them back. "Be good and don't cause mum or pa any trouble alright? And help them with the twins alright girls." I said and they nodded, smiling back at me. They didn't know a thing about me being gay so they didn't fully understand the scenario. I wanted to keep them in the dark only because they shouldn't have to stress and worry about my safety. That wasn't their job at all.

I continued with my little venture down the stairs and out to the car, where the others were already loading it. I quickly loaded my bag and we all got in and our journey began.

Upon arriving at my new school I said 'see ya' to my family and quickly got out. I grabbed my bag and stuff and waved once and walked away, afraid of the waterworks and all the other stuff. I didn't want my new roommates to meet me with red puffy eyes from crying. I didn't want to think about the long wait before I saw my family again. I didn't want to say good bye because that felt so final. I bit my lip and kept moving forward, determined not to let a tear fall.

**A/N: Btw if you haven't realized Louis is young in this. 17. The girls are their actual ages. All the boys will range from 16-17. Just a warning. Hopefully this beginning was good. I think so :)**

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