Chapter Seven

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I tapped my pencil on the desk over and over. Druh-druh-druh-drum. Druh-druh-druh-drum. I couldn't concentrate. I just kept staring at the wall thinking that  there was so much more of us. There was literally three of us and we would hang out every single day, exactly like we were about to do in less than ten minutes. We would be at the tree. The great big tree that we found, well at least I found. I heard the bell ring, surprising the crap out of me.

I walked out, trying to blend into the crowd together with the rest of the boys as we all walked towards our respected rooms. I diverged off into the right side of the hall and ran down the stairs. I peeked around the corner and saw nobody so I took my chance and ran out the nearest exit. 

I opened the door, the bright sunshine running across my skin and heating up every pore. I didn't hesitate to bask in it's rays. Not yet. I kept running towards the woods that lined the back of the school. My feet crunched down on the leaves and twigs making unnecessary noise. The good thing was that nobody was around to hear anything at all as I walked deep into the woods, searching for the others. 

I heard the steady sound of footfalls and turned around just to see a certain blonde haired boy collide with my body. We both fell to the ground as he wrapped his arms around me, planting a kiss on my cheek. "Took you long enough." The blonde whispered, our faces literally millimeters away from mines. I looked at him in surprise, snapping at his nose and he backed away laughing as he rolled over beside me. I rested my head on his arm and we just laid there staring up at the sky.

"Are you guys just going to sit here daydreaming?" Harry asked, walking into view. He bent over me and planted a kiss on my forehead and repeated the same on Niall's, making us both blush a bright red. 

"Well it does have good shade here." Niall said.

"But we're also in view of the school." I pointed out. Niall immediately hopped up and Harry pulled me up as we walked towards the tree. Our tree.

"Louis how did you even stumble upon this?" Harry asked as we walked up to the weeping cherry tree, it's pink petals floating gently to the ground. The wind was blowing gently as the long branches covered in cherry blossoms. I looked at the beautiful pink tree and walked underneath it's protection, relaxing from the shades and the strong relaxing odor that filled my nostrils.

"This is literally the only tree in these woods that produce flowers. Everything else is just a everyday evergreen." I mumbled. "I was walking trying to find something to relax underneath and I found this." I turned to Niall and Harry. "I just had to tell you guys." The smile on my face grew larger and larger from the lovely sight.

"It's still so beautiful." Harry whispered.

I sat down next to the roots and he walked underneath with me, resting his head on my legs. Niall came under as well and rested his head on my shoulders. He looked at me with happy blue eyes as planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You think you're so cute huh?" I asked him. I tried planting a kiss on his cheek but Niall being the guy he was quickly turned his head and made me kiss him on the lips instead. "Such a cheeky little boy." I whispered.

Harry was holding on to the hem of my shirt as he started to fall asleep on me. I rubbed my hand through his curly mop of hair, looking fondly at the long legged guy. He looked completely at peace with his long inhales and slow exhales. I kept petting his hair as he started to release a slight snore.

"You know for a giant with a deep voice he sure does look cute while he's asleep." Niall said, grabbing a lock of Harry's hair with his fingers and twirling it around.

"So what are we going to do about all of these baiters?" I asked Niall."You mean about Zayn?" Harry mumbled into my shirt. I looked down, highly surprised that he was still awake.

"Yes I mean Zayn." I told him.

"We ignore him, stay clear of him and any other baiter in the school." Niall said. He started to trace his fingers up and down my arm, letting just the barest minimum of his skin dance across mines. I was trying my best not to laugh from the sensation and I was succeeding until a certain someone started to tickle me on my stomach. I fell over laughing as both boys bombarded me from every direction possible. I was flinging around like a madman as they tickled me. The boys started laughing as they tickled me before they finally released me from my torture.

I held Harry close to me, his frame a bit smaller than mines even though he was taller than me. Niall positioned himself behind me as he cuddled, pulling me in closer. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and I knew Harry felt mines from his light chuckles. Who knew that we'd have a little safe haven to ourselves. 

The birds echoed one another, playing a soft sweet melody as the shadows danced across my face. I loved the whole scenery as I closed my eyes, listening to the two distinct heartbeats.

I listened as I heard random noises. I opened my eyes and saw the two boys dancing around in circles to nothing at all. I grabbed my bag and opened it and pulled out my pencil and a text book and started to drum on the book. The boys looked at me, surprised that they woke me up. 

"We were trying to be quiet." Harry whispered.

"You fail with your big clumsy feet." I told him. Harry smiled as he stiffly danced side to side. I couldn't help but laugh at the two and Niall pulled me away from my drumming duties as we all held hands and danced in a circle. It was magical as our huge smiles were on our faces and we laughed at just the thoughts of being together. We were throwing our hands up and down and skipping once we heard a crack in the woods.

We froze, turning in the same direction to see this figure run off. Harry was actually the one who surprised us more than anyone. "WAIT DON'T!" Harry screamed.

I jumped up from my sleep to see both boys sitting up and staring at the stars. "Are you okay babe?" Niall asked me.

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream." I told him. Harry immediately grabbed my hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Don't be afraid Lou." Harry told me.

"Yeah, we'd never let anything happen to you." Niall said, rubbing my thigh.

"You better not, or we're going to fight." I told him, sticking my tongue out. "Don't worry, I'll protect you as well."

"I'd rather guard you from the rear!" Niall said happily.

"Have anyone ever told you you're a pervert?" Harry asked in that deep voice of his. We all started to laugh at that, Niall's more sarcastic than ours though. 

"Promise, we'll come her everyday? Even if it's for a bit, just to make sure that we're okay?"

"Promise!" Niall quickly said. "Though you should only get worried if I don't return to our dorm." He winked at me.

"I promise!" Harry said. "I want to see you both everyday. It's the best part of my day."

"Same here."

"Seeing you guys anytime makes my day." I whispered, looking up at the stars with them. Everything felt perfect that night with those two beside me.

**A/N: Sweet right? I know! I actually like weeping cherry trees! They're beautiful!**

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