Chapter Nine

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**A/N: Major smut but I want it to still be view-able so it might be a bit soft-core!**

I couldn't stop thinking about it, about him. Zayn kept filling my thoughts, though not in any good way. It was all a sexual thing, thoughts that I shouldn't be having. Not in this place. Those thoughts should be forbidden. Of course I thought about how he looked inside the shower though. I wanted him then and there but I couldn't let him know that. I couldn't do anything out in the open.

"Umm, Louis?" A voice brought me back to reality. I opened my eyes and looked over at Niall who was leaning on his bed, using his elbows to prop himself up. He was staring at me with hungry deep blue eyes. "You were moaning." He told me.

My eyes widened at that comment. "I was?" I asked, unsure about my actions. I shook my head in disbelief, not because of the fact that I thought he was lying. More so of the fact that I couldn't believe myself.

"Yeah you were, and it was actually pretty hot." He told me. I looked at him in shock, which turned to amusement. He really just said my moans were hot. Bashfulness inflicted me as I looked down my bed at my, well my boner. I glanced sideways at Niall and wanted to shrink in a hole because he saw it as well. 

"Stop looking!" I hissed, grabbing my pillow and throwing it at him, though I had the aim of a five year old and missed by at least two feet to his right.

"I can't help it babe. It's pretty hot!" He said. He chewed his lip seductively, his eyes narrowing in on me. Without any warning Niall jumped up, walking slowly towards me like he was a predator and I was his prey. I didn't know if I cared though because I embraced being his prey. I looked to make sure the door was completely locked and turned back just in time to see Niall in front of me; his face was flushed pink like the underside of a rose petal. He stuck his hand out, grazing my cheek with his soft skin, causing a ripple of need to travel down my spine like an earthquake. Hell this was a natural disaster.

I reached up to grab him but the same hand that was gentle caressing my cheek a second earlier grabbed my hand in a vice grip and held it down on the bed. Niall grabbed my other hand with his free one and climbed on to my bed, straddling my waist painfully as he looked down at me. My breathing hitched at the pressure of Niall on my groin. There wasn't enough fabric in between us for him not to feel my boner. 

Niall held my arms above my head, leaning down over me so that we were less than five inches apart. Niall's breathing matched mines as we both breathed too loud form the excitement of the moment but quiet enough not to get caught. 

"Want to give me some of that Irish luck? I once heard a rumor that Leprechauns had big clubs." I whispered, making the corners of Niall's lips turn up into a smile.

"Always the jokester huh?" He asked me. I nodded slowly, looking him in his eyes as he started to bend further down, his lips slowly meeting mines. Luckily for me our lips were pretty much the same size so they fit together perfectly. 

Niall had this gluttonous lust about him as he started to suck on my lip, eliciting a moan from me. Niall started to grind his hips into mines as we kissed, his lips overtaking mines. His tongue slipped into my mouth, brushing against my teeth only for a second because I quickly sucked his tongue into my mouth. 

Niall slightly relinquished the control over my arms from surprise at my eagerness. He tasted of spearmint, same as me obviously since we used the same toothpaste. He grinned, holding my hands tighter as I moaned. He started to kiss me harder, his tongue exploring every millimeter of my mouth. finally freed me from his grasp so I let my hands explore his body. 

Niall's biceps were slightly bigger than mines, though he wasn't a muscle head. He said he just played his guitar a lot, which wasn't something I mined at all. I pulled his t-shirt off quickly, staring at his pale skin in amazement. There was a flushed pink tone about his shoulders, which was sexy for him. I ran my hands through his bottled blonde hair, letting my fingers rummage through the short little strands. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and held my head back as he started to kiss my neck. Our skins contrasted against each other, his fair and mines sun kissed.

"You're beautiful." Niall whispered, leaning up just long enough to pull my shirt off. He started to kiss me again, his hand holding my jaw up so hr could kiss my jaw line. He let his tongue trail out over my body as he kissed me softly. He started to suck on my Adam's apple, making me squirm underneath him in pure ecstasy. Niall pulled something from his pocket and placed it near my pillow. I looked up long enough to see that it was a condom and I smiled. At least he was being safe with me.

Niall kept kissing me and I tried to take control but he just held me down whispering slightly, "Louis I want to please you." He started to kiss down my body, his tongue dragging lazily across my chest as he left little nips here and there. He sucked on my nipples and on various other parts of my torso, leaving the dark marks all over me, I grinned at the fact that Niall was marking me. He was quite stingy when it came to Harry and beyond jealous of Zayn. Niall told me Zayn was hotter than he was but I didn't believe it. We were all pretty attractive in our own way.

Niall continued his downward descent, kissing down my navel to my waistband. His fingers trailed down my body after his face kissed my happy trail. I shuddered from his touch, my skin sensitive from the heat of the moment. He pulled down the cover along with my underwear, revealing my raging boner. He kissed it softly, letting his tongue trail on the underside.

"Umm, I'm not really good at, you know." He said, nodding down at my hard on.

"Just lick it then go down." I said, trying to control my breathing. I was trying not to come just from the sight of Niall going down on me. He did exactly what I said, licking my member before kissing down. He sucked lightly on my balls before traveling further down to my hole. He used spat in one hand and used that to jerk me off. 

I shivered from his breath on my entrance as he breathed from his mouth. Then his tongue swept across it, making me grab the covers in anticipation. I held my breath as he repeated the motion. He trailed his free fingers over my hole making me moan out loud. He looked at me in a panicked rush and I grabbed my pillow, biting down on it.  Satisfied he went back down, licking me over and over. He teased me with his fingers, sliding them in and out as he prepared me. I felt pain as he added more fingers and stretched them out inside me, stretching my hole a bit. 

I pulled the pillow out of my mouth and whispered in a hushed tone. "Fuck me please Niall." I whined. He didn't want me to do anything to him because Niall was loving giving me pleasure. He got up and pulled down his pants, revealing his mighty impressive Irish club. He grabbed the condom and put it on, looking at me with uncertainty. I nodded and he pulled my legs over the edge of the bed.

He leaned over me as he lined himself up and pushed inside me slowly. We both groaned in unison, though his was more from pleasure than from pain like mines. I grabbed his back, dragging my nails down his skin in pain. I clenched my face from the pain and he started to slowly thrust. 

I groaned from the pain that was also mixed in with pleasure, loving the way he felt inside of me. He was slow at first, going in all the way and pulling out before going back in. Each time he entered me the room was filled with my gasps and quiet moans. Niall was bent over me, breathing into my neck as he started to fuck me. I couldn't, no I didn't want to close my mouth as  I enjoyed the moment. Grunts and moans escaped all of us as the bed kept smacking against the wall and we lost sight of where we was.

I grabbed his hair, pulling it back as I looked at him. I licked my lips at the sweaty boy with his matted down hair and pulled him back down, enveloping him in a kiss. His lips tasted faintly of sweat, whether it was mines or his I couldn't tell. Our hair was matted to our foreheads and Niall held my jaw as he kept thrusting into me, his grunts turning me on even more. The sound of his balls smacking against my bum was the most our drum beat as he kept the steady rhythm. 

We were so into each other that we didn't notice the other person in the room.  That was until he cleared his throat. Niall paused, his pink flushed face turning a ghostly white along with mines as we turned in unison to see the person who interrupted us. The person who broke into our room. He had his arms crossed and he looked at us with those brown eyes, that were highly judgmental at the moment. 


"Fuck." Niall finished my statement.

"Holy fuck indeed." The guy said, drumming his fingers on his exposed biceps.

**A/N: So yes it was soft-core! I'm currently testing out wattpad to see what they determine as Rated R to what can be seen by my viewers! Hopefully this isn't becoming private. If this doesn't become private I think I found a way around it! BTW ummm who tf is the random guy?**

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