34: The Beginning of the END

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Chapter 34: The Beginning of the END cont

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Chapter 34: The Beginning of the END cont...
April & Dave

"Sometimes you make me feel like I actually have a chance with you but when I try to take that chance you make me realize I never really did."
[Author Unknown]

Right about now both Dave and April were in their feelings but April felt like she was getting the brunt of it. The things Dave was saying to her hurt like hell. The shit coming out his mouth she would've never thought he'd say to her. They were hurtful and disrespectful as fuck. No matter how mad you get at your spouse it's just some shit you just don't say and he crossed that line several times today. The shit that hurt April the most was after everything she and Dave had gone through he was still harboring feelings about her one-night stand and Charlie. She thought they had been over and done with the issue but the fact that he brought it up and kept bringing it up meant he clearly wasn't over it to a certain extent. Let alone for him to even mention a fuckin abortion or a plan B was a smack in her face and Charlie's especially since he so-called loved her so much. Or it could be the fact that he was willing to talk about anything and everything except Millie. It was as if he was doing anything to prolong that part of the conversation even if that meant willingly throwing himself under the bus. Some would say that it's not about Dave but about Kairi but honestly it was about the both of them. Dave still had some unfinished business to deal with when it came to Millie and it didn't just involve Kairi. That man needed closure...proper closure at that. Just ending their relationship wasn't enough especially after he learned about her true intentions after the fact.

April made her way to the balcony and took a seat on one of the lounge chairs and huffed in frustration. This is not how she thought vacation would go especially not their first one as a family and while they were in the middle of planning their wedding. At this very moment she didn't know what was going to happen between her and Dave. To her it sort of felt like the beginning of the end and she was dreading that shit like the plague. She thought they were past shit like this like the first time they broke up wasn't enough. She took a few deep breaths trying to clear her mind for the second round but the more she thought about it, it began to make her panic. She was seeing the red flags as clear as day today and as much as she wanted to ignore them she simply couldn't. The problems they had were way too big to ignore and if they still wanted to get married they had to fix this shit and quick because time never waited on anyone. She also knew what they were going through couldn't be fixed overnight so their wedding would most likely end up on the back burner.

Meanwhile Dave had left the villa and made his way to the beach. Just like April he needed some space and time to clear his mind as well and to reflect on the situation they were now in and the hole he had dug himself. He didn't want to openly admit it but he had heard everything April had said but talking about the shit just made it all too real. He didn't want to admit that he indeed had a problem. It was one thing to argue and talk about petty shit like changing the channel from ESPN to the ID channel or who left the kitchen light on but this conversation was a big deal. It had been one he had been avoiding for a while now. He had low key thought that when he left Millie that, that would be the end but it wasn't. He figured since she would be out of his life she would leave his mind altogether but she never really left. She was always lingering in the back in her busted ass lounge chair living rent free in his head when she shouldn't be on his mind at all.

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