12: For My Girls

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Chapter 12: For My GirlsApril

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Chapter 12: For My Girls

"In my daughter's eyes I am a hero. I am strong and wise and I know no fear, but the truth is plain to see, she was sent to rescue me."
[By: Martina McBride]

Nia: Hey Nia this is April. Hope you don't mind. I got your number from Chris. He told me you wanted to talk and I'm down for it. When are you free? I'd like to talk to you in person.

April sat in the middle of her bed and sent a text to Nia. She had actually sat down by herself and really thought about the whole Chris and Nia debacle and she was finally ready to just let it go. Chris wasn't her man anymore and the shit happened five years ago and although at the end of the day both parties involved were wrong it was no use to continue holding grudges. In the long run she was happy with her life so maybe it was time to let bygones be bygones and call it a wrap. With the way Royalty and Kairi was and add the way the two little girls were about their little sister April knew that once again no matter how the little red devil sat on her shoulder whispering in her ear telling her to molly wop a bitch that little angel with the halo had won. But although she was going in with positive vibes her guard was still up and she was still down for the fucks just in case shit went left.

973-515-5555: Hey thanks for reaching out. I'd love to talk to you in person as well. I'm free this Friday and anytime is good.

Nia: Friday is good. I was thinking we could meet up at Chris's place and talk there.

973-515-5555: That'll work

Nia: Cool so I'll see you Friday afternoon.

973-515-5555: Ok cool

Nia replied and April put down her phone and picked up her journal. She felt the need to write just to clear her head and get in the right frame of mind because Friday was literally two days away and she didn't want to go into the meeting without clearing her thoughts. Once she was done she called and made all the necessary arrangements letting her pilot know she needed him and making sure that Mama Faye and Senior could watch the girls. She would've called her parents to watch the girls but since they had them for Dave's album release party she wanted to make sure that both set of grandparents got their time in with the girls preferably Charlie since Kairi was either at Dave's parents or her parent's house on the weekends. She knew that most likely that her and Dave's parents would most likely be together Friday anyway. Any, who after squaring that away she phoned Dave to fill him in. She wasn't keeping shit to herself anymore. April didn't want any of those problems with Dave ever again and have him questioning her.

"Look at my wife being all grown up and shit" Dave joked as he looked at her on Facetime. She had just told him that she had set up a date to talk to Nia and it was finally going down.

"Being grown sucks Papi but I'm done holding grudges with her. It' ain't worth my mental stress and besides she ain't fuckin my nigga so it is what it is" April said and shrugged. Let her try that shit with Dave her ass would be slow singing and flower bringing but luckily April didn't have those types of problems when it came to Dave. Her Papi was a one woman man and she was that woman.

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