24.1: Always Plotting

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Chapter 24

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Chapter 24.1: Always Plotting

"Royalty" Chris answered yet said it like it was a question. April nor Nia had told him anything all he knew was that April was plotting on getting her for a weekend. He had to smile though because shit was working out between the two of them and he didn't have to be the middle man anymore. Let alone not only did his girls get to see each other when they wanted to he'd most likely would be able to see Royalty more often then his regular two weeks or when she had some extracurricular activities going on. So from where he was standing it was benefitting everyone involved.

"Yup ma picked her up not too long ago she's staying with us for the weekend"

"Now I gotta call my babies. I know she was excited as hell" Chris said smiling.

"Hell yea she ran straight into the room right pass my ass like unkie didn't exist and up to the girls shouting sistas and my LeeLee. Damn girls hugged each other like they thought they'd never see each other again" he said smiling. The way their kids were he already knew their bond with each other was locked tight and sealed. He also knew they were going to be a damn mess when they got older but he couldn't wait to see what the older versions of them would be like. He wondered who would be the one all about school, or the hot head one ready to pop off, or who would always be in some shit. Either way he knew they would be miniature versions of their mother and aunts it was inevitable.

"Yea she's been missing her Apple and her sisters for some time now. I'm happy as hell that y'all are close by so they don't have to miss out on spending time together anymore. Ro had low key been sad bout not being able to see them" Chris said genuinely happy that the four of them were finally able to see each other after months of just FaceTime calls. Royalty had been moping about and counting down the days until they had arrived so he knew she was beyond excited.

"Well excuse everyone else in the room" August said to both Chris and Dave and their side conversation. He wanted details as usual. "So big bruh you didn't know my RoRo was at lil big sis and bruh's house am I right" he questioned but didn't wait on an answer. "I'm right which brings me to A. Lil big sis picked up my RoRo or B. Nia dropped her off. Either way as you can see I'm wondering how the hell did that go down. Yes I know she's Ro's god momma but how did that pick up or drop off situation go down. Sure I know they had the sit down but like are they good, good" he said and asked hitting him with back to back questions.

"Wayment say what say huh" Shooter said and scratched his head as August piqued his interest. He didn't know anything about April being Royalty's god mother nor did Bully and Errol.

Dave and Chris just laughed. They understood why August was questioning what he was and why Shooter was lost. Shit when April had first told Dave about Nia asking April to be Royalty's god mother he was pretty much lost for words. He had told her to keep her eyes open because he didn't know what Nia really had up her sleeves but after seeing their texts and hearing them over the phone he let up. He could tell that Nia was all about the girls being able to have a healthy relationship but his guard was still up for obvious reasons. With their track record he didn't have time to keep a blind eye.

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