Chapter II

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) and Minerva were a few minutes away from the village. It had taken a while to get there, but they were finally about to make it. It was now dark.

Minerva: Ready to see all of your friends again?

(Y/N): <breathes in> Yeah. I wonder how they'll react.

Minerva: Probably you'll be punched in the face by at least half of them and then hugged to death by the rest.

(Y/N): <chuckles> That does sound like them.

Minerva made a perverted face and grinned at him.

Minerva: <giggling> I bet the girls will want some smooches. Especially Sakura and Ino.

(Y/N)'s face turned red, and he looked away.

(Y/N): Sh-Shut up...

They suddenly heard noises and jumped back.

Minerva: What the hell was that?

(Y/N): It sounded like a voice.

???: Ha! A ninja must see through deception.

A female voice was then heard.

???: Isn't that right, Sensei?

An older male voice was heard sighing.

???: I deserved that.

All three of them laughed together.

(Y/N): <perking up> Wait... Those voices...!

Minerva: <gasps> One of them sounded like Kakashi!

(Y/N)'s heart started pounding. He felt nervous for some reason.

(Y/N): What are they doing out in the woods?

Minerva: Who cares? Don't you want to see them?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, of course... But, uh, I'm kind of nervous...

Minerva patted his shoulders and smiled.

Minerva: Oh, come on, (Y/N)! They're right there in front of you. They're practically your family.

(Y/N): I-I know, but... I don't know... <breathes> Okay, I'm going to do it!

Minerva: That's the spirit!

The two of them hurried to where they heard the voices. Sure enough, through the trees, stood Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi.

Naruto and Sakura had grown a lot while Kakashi looked relatively the same.

(Y/N): Wow... Naruto looks like big now. And Sakura's really pretty.

Minerva: <smirking> It has been two years, remember. Now, go on. I'll be cheering from the sidelines.

(Y/N) noticed two bells on Kakashi's belt, while Naruto and Sakura held two other bells.

Those were the same bells Kakashi had used for their first test! A wave of nostalgia hit (Y/N).

Minerva noticed something and patted (Y/N) on the shoulder one more time before walking off, not giving him a chance to ask where she was going.

Kakashi was leaning against a tree, holding a book. He was just staring at it.

Naruto: <laughs> What are you even wasting your time with that for? It's the most boring book ever.

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