Chapter XXVII

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) was panting. His grip on Crimson's hilt tightened. It was in its katana form.

Sakura stood in front of him, panting as well. They had been sparring for a few hours.

(Y/N): Not bad, Sakura. You're able to keep up with me.

Sakura: Thanks. Do you think Naruto's done yet?

(Y/N): Don't know. But if Kakashi-sensei, Shikamaru, and the others have already engaged the Akatsuki, I don't think the battle will last until tomorrow.

Sakura: You're right. We only have today. I wonder if they'll be enough to beat them...

(Y/N): If there's one person who could figure out a way to outsmart someone, it's Shikamaru.

Sakura nodded as (Y/N) sheathed Crimson.

(Y/N): At least I can still use Crimson. Although, I do wonder if using my Copy Jutsu is like using my alien form.

Sakura: Did Lady Tsunade say it was?

(Y/N): We're not sure. She said to not use it just in case.

Sakura looked down at the ground, a little sad all of a sudden.

Sakura: I guess... you could technically still use Granny Chiyo's jutsu...

(Y/N): Yeah. I'll be dead either way.

(Y/N) remembered Asuma's death. He sighed and leaned against a nearby tree.

(Y/N): It was hard watching Asuma-sensei die. In the back of my mind, I knew that I could save him, and I didn't...

Sakura: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Do you think Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru will hate me if they find out that I had a jutsu to save their sensei?

Sakura: Of course not! Besides, would Asuma-sensei want you to sacrifice your own life to save his? You'd know what he'd say.

(Y/N): Yeah... Although, it was practically impossible for me to have used it anyway. I didn't have any chakra left.

Sakura: Then why are you feeling guilty about it?

(Y/N): It's just... Whenever someone I know dies, who I'm not particularly close with per se, I'll always feel like this because I know I have the power to save them.

Sakura: At the expense of your own life. You know no one would want you to do that.

Before (Y/N) could respond, they heard a voice. It sounded familiar.

Kiba: C'mon, Hinata, go on!

Neji: No, you moron, they're in the middle of a conversation.

Kiba: No, they aren't!

Neji: Wha—? Are you deaf or something?

(Y/N) and Sakura both turned and saw Kiba, Neji, and Hinata standing behind a tree next to them.

(Y/N): Uh...

The three flinched when they saw the two staring at them.

Kiba pushed Hinata forward. She yelped and stumbled. (Y/N) caught her before she fell.

Sakura: Hey, what're you guys doing?

Kiba: Oh... Well, we...

Neji smacked Kiba on the head.

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