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⁰³ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦, 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗺

⁰³ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦, 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗺

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"Oh shit! I'm late again!"

I hurriedly grabbed my things and made sure to lock up my office. This is the third time in a row that I continue to be late when it comes to picking up Izuku.I'm lucky I have such an understanding kid. I just hate that I cut into Ura's time, and constantly having to make Izu wait.

I slammed my car door shut, buckled in, and drove off to the pre-school. As expected, Ura was outside talking to Izuku and some other kid I haven't seen before. I quickly got out and sped walked my way over to the entrance.

"I'm so so sorry for being late again!" "I know how busy you are, it's quite alright really! I enjoy talking to Izuku!" I sighed in relief as she reassured me it was alright. When Izu finally realized I was here, he lit up and grabbed this other kid's hand, dragging the poor child with him.

"Mommy mommy!! I made a new friend!" "Hey baby!" I kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair, getting a little giggle out of him. I then directed my attention to the little fella who was the cutest thing I've ever seen besides my Izuku. "Hey sweetie, what's your name?" His little chubby cheeks flushed a light pink, Izu reassured him that I was very friendly. My little baby was just so amazing.

I could tell by his body language that he's a shy one, so I squatted down a little so I could better hear what was going to be said. "S-Shoto." I smiled widely. "Well it's really nice to meet you Shoto!" I put my fist out and watched his little balled up fist bump mine softly. Just so cute!

"Hey Y/N, could you do me a favor? I gotta go pick my kid up from swim but I can't leave Shoto here without supervision." She looked like she felt really bad for asking but it's not like I had plans, and Izuku was attached to the his hip. "Yeah no problem. See ya tomorrow Ura!" She waved as she ran off, leaving me with these two little kiddies.

We talked a lot and I found out that this was actually Shoto's first day and both Izu and Shoto became the bestest of friends. Izu never had a best friend before so I was overjoyed for him. I could tell this friendship of theirs was going to be long lasting, it reminded me of me and Mina's friendship when we were younger.

After a while, the two were getting sleepy so I put the both of them on each of my thighs and let them sleep. Even asleep the two clung to each other. It was just too adorable! I stroked the both of their hair and looked at the sun beginning to set. 'Damn, even I would never be this late.'

Just then, a man came jogging up to the school, out of breath. He had leaned on his knees before standing straight. He had blonde hair, red eyes, a sharp jawline and an amazing physique. 'This man is FOINE!'

"I'm... I'm so sorry that I'm late- you are not the teacher." I lightly laughed, shaking my head. "No, sorry to disappoint. She had to leave for a family emergency... I'm Y/N, Izuku's mom. But I do believe he belongs to you." I gestured to the dual color haired boy to which he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry about that. My stupid car broke down when I was leaving from work and it took me forever to get here-" he sighed, hanging his head a little. "you probably didn't want to hear all that." He wiped his face in exhaustion, and I simply snickered a little.

"Everyone needs to vent a little now and then. Plus you don't need to apologize, I had a blast getting to know this little cutie." I stroked his hair once more, looking down at the sleeping kid. I looked back up to see this mystery man staring with a slight smile. "Oh my, I'm sorry! You probably want him back now."

"Huh- oh yeah!" We both laughed as he gently retrieved his sleeping boy. I stood up with mine looking around to see no car in the parking lot besides mine. "You said your car broke down? Did you need a ride?"

"I wouldn't want to trouble you anymore than I already have-" "It's no trouble at all, I insist! I wouldn't want anything bad happening to you and sweet little Shoto." I smiled widely hoping he'd accept my offer. "If you're so sure, then we would like that, thank you." He gave me a crooked smile and I gladly gestured him to my car.

As we arrived, I sat down his book bag and unlocked the car. I opened the door in the back and quickly buckled Izuku in, putting his bag in as well. I turned around, "I should have an extra car seat, so I'll be right back." He nodded his head and I went to the back of the car, waiting for the back to lift.

I grabbed the car seat and went around, beginning to install the thing. When I was done, he came over and let me buckle him in. "Alright! You can go ahead and plug in your address if you want." He did as such and buckled up so I could take off.

As we were driving, he would take sneak peeks here and there, but I couldn't lie, I was guilty of doing the same thing. "So uh- Mr..." "Bakugo. Well that's what everyone else calls me, but you can call me Katsuki." I shot him a small glance, along with a warm smile. "Noted. Well Katsuki, is your family new around here? Not a lot of kids get added into that pre-school this late into the year."

"Yeah actually. We came here about two weeks ago, I wanted to be closer to my parents... plus I thought this would be a better fit for Shoto. And I guess I was right." he smiled looking back at the two sleeping children. "My boy is very adamant on setting up a play date with Shoto, what do you say?"

I looked at him after stopping my car in front of a beautiful house the gps led me to. Now thinking about it, his house was less than 10 minutes away from my house. I could easily walk over here if I wanted.

"I'm sure Shoto would love that." He gave me another one of those crooked smiles which made me giggle a bit. He grabbed his son from the car seat and threw his small bag over his broad, bulky shoulder. Before he could walk away, I grabbed a pen and piece of paper from the console and wrote down my number, handing him the small paper. "Well Katsuki, welcome to the neighborhood!"



𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗸 & 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗦𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀 | ᵏ. ᵇᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒWhere stories live. Discover now