Chapter 4

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I GOT THE PART!!! I screamed on the phone with Walker. ME TOO!! He said. The script reading is tomorrow. See you there? I said. Yep good bye. He said hanging up the phone.


I got ready for the script read.
What I'm wearing:

I got in the car and my driver drove me to the set

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I got in the car and my driver drove me to the set. I sat in my spot as I was given the script by the director. Walker got there a little later Hey Alex he said with a smile. Hi you excited?I said looking into his eyes. Yes very much. I smiled and look way since the director was talking. I'm so excited to have everyone here today. We are going to go over names and characters. First our leads Walker and Alex you guys are playing Miles Locken and Skylar Banks then, Timotèe Chalmet you are playing Alex's Boss so Rogan Rocks. Then Florence Pugh you are playing Elenor Dream walkers boss. Those are our main parts let's start to rehearse.

Timotèe: Skylar you are our best assassin Kill Him
Alex: Yes sir
Timotèe:Miles Locken needs t be dead or alive but in my office by the end of the year.
Alex: I won't let you down
Timotèe: you better not

Florence: I want Skylar Banks killed by the end of the year do you understand
Walker: yes ma'am
Florence: good find her

Great job today you guys see you next week.
I started to walk back to the car when Walker called out to me. Hey Alex wait. Hey walker what's up? I wanted to know I you wanted to get together tomorrow I have to go to this music event and I have a plus one wanna come. Sure what time? I'll be at your house at 5:00. Ok great bye. Bye I got in the car and drove away

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