Chapter 10

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Alex's pov

"Hey walker!" I said walking in to his trailer "What's up?"He said with a smile "we need to talk about us" "what about us" he said his smile slowly starting to fade "we were away from each other for a bit of time and it made me realize that I want a relationship not just flirting I want to be your girlfriend" "Alex...I" he started to stutter "I can't I'm not ready I'm so sorry" "Walker I really like you but I'm not waiting around it's fine the your not ready but that doesn't mean I cant be"I walk out of the trailer starting to tear this is not the answer I wanted
I am almost at my trailer when i feel a tap on my shoulder it's a tall handsome boy "hello I'm Louis I play Steven Spector you must be Alex"he says sticking his hand out for me to shake it "hello Louis  great to meet you if you will excuse me our scene is next and I must get ready" I walk in the door of my trailer I got my makeup and costume on and walked to set.
I hear pounds on the door
I hear a familiar voice
"I know your in the banks"
It's Steven
I sat dead quiet in the corner
(I forgot to take the tracking device out of my suit)
Myles is at the pharmacy picking up stuff for my wound
I need to see what he wants
I open the door
"What do you want Steven"
"I want you back and to see if you finish your mission"
He kisses me
"No and the mission is in progress"
"Mind if I stay help you just for old times sake"
He leans in the door way
"No I have this under control"
"Come on darling"
"No" I slammed the door in his face than ran around closing every curtain making sure the windows were locked I thought he left till i hear I punch against the wall I open the door to see Steven fighting Myles
I watch as Steven beats the shit out of him I come in to separate them Steven is aggressive and I could never stop him yet I knew what would I jump in between then and push Steven against the wall and start kissing him I use my had and point toward the door for Myles to go in he walks in the door since Steven is clearly distracted then I say
"Hey Stevey can you go tell boss it will be done soon and come back and find me"
"Yes Skylar" he says leaveing he was always so gullible

Alexs POV

"You did great" I said "Yeah thanks" with a smile Louis walked away Walker walks away from so I run after him "hey walker that fight seen was great" I say "yeah but your already making out with the newby" "it was acting Walker" "then why are you blushing "he walks away and is overreacting it was not a big deal but it's fine I got invited to a premiere for Thor Love And Thunder tonight so I decided to be nice I would take walker to cool him off a little

I knock on his door "hey Walker I have a premiere wanna go with me" "I guess"he says in a clam tone  "ok meet me at my place" he shook his head and I left

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