Chapter 5

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After rehearsal Walker called me
(On the phone with walker)
Walker: Hey The Ellen Show just called they want to do an interview with us.

Alex: Hi When??

Walker: 6 o'clock tomorrow

Alex: Great! See you then. Bye!

Walker: see ya

I hung up. I picked out my outfit for tomorrow.

Then she falls asleep pretty easy She wakes up and eats her breakfast ( it's fruit) once she's finally done she calls walker On the phone: Alex:Hey I need a ride tonight can you pick me up

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Then she falls asleep pretty easy
She wakes up and eats her breakfast ( it's fruit) once she's finally done she calls walker
On the phone:
Alex:Hey I need a ride tonight can you pick me up

Walker: yeah we will be there at 5


Walker:I'm bored

Alex: that's nice

Walker:your mean I'm gonna call Ryan bye

Alex: see ya
Once I hung up with Walker all I could fell was a smile grow on my face. Why?!? Why I was I smiling it was Walker but it was Walker a smile grew on my face as I started to blush and could not control the emotions on my face then I realized this was sooo bad I mean I'm seeing him a few hours how would I keep myself together. I will just figure it out.

Walkers POV
On the phone with Ryan
Walker: I think I like some one
Ryan: I think I know who
Walker: we'll it's Alex
Ryan: *shouts* Blake you called it
Walker: wait Blake knows
Ryan: she called it she knew you liked her when you keep talking about her at dinner
⚡️flash back to dinner⚡️
Blake: who is your co-star in the movie you are doing??
Walker: oh ah it's Alex Leeman she worked on the Adam project with us
Ryan: do have a little crush
Walker: no no I mean she's a great actor I love her in Dune and Marvel but like her no no she is so nice though (he goes on and on and on)
⚡️back to the present⚡️
Ryan: she's good isn't she
Walker:yeah and I'm going to see her tonight and we have an interview and I think I'm gonna lose it
Ryan:your an actor just act that's what your suppose to be good at.
Walker: I guess your right and a secret I have liked her since the Adam project but could not say anything
Ryan: HA you wimp and now your a simp
Walker: I hate you
Ryan: I know you love me
(Hangs up)
Alex's POV
It was 4 and I got on my outfit then I went outside and sat on my porch till limo pulled up walker was in the back I sat next to him. Hey I said Hi he said nervous I could tell he was nervous because he was figeting with his hands I wondered what wrong but I can't worry we have an interview . We got to the building and I started to freak out paparazzi were surrounding the car. Walker grab my hand and said I got you we got out of the car as he push through the paparazzi. When we got in the building I let go and said quietly thanks yeah he said looking at his shoes. We got our hair and makeup done then we meet Ellen Hello nice to meet you I'm Alex Leeman. Yeah Yeah see you on set she replied rudely. Well that was rude. Yeah Walker said I guess the rumors are true. We walked on the set and there was a live crowd and a camera for the viewers at home. We walk on the set and wave
Ellen:Hello Welcome Walker Scobell and Alex Leeman
Walker: Thank you it's great to be here
Alex:Yes thank you for having us
Alex's mind: how is he such a natural at all of this. I love that smile!!
Ellen:So you two played in the Adam project together and walker this was your first movie
Ellen: and Alex this was your third movie
Alex: yes I was a young Natasha in marvel movies and played in Dune
Ellen:cool so I heard you too are so good together that you are now working in another movie together.
Walker:Yes we are Alex what's it called
Alex: it's called "2 guns 1 heart"
Ellen: OOO sounds like a romance
Alex: well yes it is but we did not plan to work on it together
Walker: Nope we saw each other at our audition and yeah
Ellen: We'll you too are very much shipped on the internet and that will definitely build up considering your new movie
Walker: we'll what can you do *smiles at Alex*
Alex:*smiles back*
Ellen: well that's all I need you for have a good night
Alex and walker: Thank you
Walkers POV
as we are walking of stage I put my arm around Alex I could feel her take a deep breath then keep walking with a little smirk I always look at her with a smile she is amazing now I'm really ready for that kiss seen.

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