Chapter 8

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Walkers pov
As Alex walks in her trailer I was I shock we had our kiss seen and I tried my best not to make it awkward then we go to her trailer and she kisses me again. What the hell I mean I loved it but I still am shocked. I'm so confused walking back to my trailer I think well she kissed me out of choice so are we dating are we friends who like each other I don't know but I so advice from Ryan
On the phone with Ryan
Hey Ryan
Hey how did your kiss seen go
It was good like really good but after I was walking with Alex back to her trailer and she comes back and kisses me again and not a little petty kiss like a good one
OOOOO ok so why are you confused
I don't know if we are dating now or if we are just friends who like each other
I see just talk to her ask where you stand
But I don't want to ruin anything
You won't I know
Ok thanks Ryan you finally gave decent advice
Bye thanks for that
Hangs up
I start walking to Alex's trailer I get there and knock Hey she says opening the door can we talk I said walking in sure she said I could she was nervous
but I say so we kissed twice and I like the fact we did I just want to know where we stand. She looks at me and says I'm glad we kissed to and I like you a lot I like you too I say kinda cutting her off yeah so I don't know where we are all I know is I like you. I agree and I don't know if I'm ready to date I say waiting for a response nervously. I agree so maybe we should just take our time Alex says yeah I say that's the response I wanted to here. Now I can take a deep breath but instead I walk towards Alex I place my hands on her face then I feel her put her hand in my hair. We stay like that for awhile then we separated our lips and I said I need to go see you later. Yeah she said awkwardly

A/N I know this was short but the next one will be better give me any feedback I can take it

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