Chapter 7

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Alex's POV
I woke up this morning with loads of tags on TikTok
I opened one of the videos and it was a ship edit of me and walker it was us holding hands going into the interview last night and us walking off set with our arms around each other. Even the fans new I liked him but did he?? Ohh well I can't dwel on something that could never happen.
Walkers POV
We had filming today so we went to the filming location. Now today was when Alex and I filmed our action seen with a kiss. I was ready. I went to set happy and In a good mood. Then Alex runs up to me with a worried expression. What!! What's wrong. We need to kiss she says having a panic attack. Then in a split second it clicked WE HAD TO KISS!! but before I freak out I need to calm do Alex. It's ok deep breath shhhhh shhhhh. Ok I'm good she said standing up shaking her arms as if it's shaking of her nerves. She walks away without saying another word I run to my trailer and call Ryan
Ryan:aren't you on set
Walker: YES but I need to kiss Alex
Ryan: ohhh I see so what the issue you like her
Walker: I do I'm just nervous
Ryan:it's fine good bye
Walker: thanks for your help
Hang up.
WALKER!! I here a knock on my trailer door it's Timotèe. Time to film your seen. Coming I scream walking out of the trailer and walking towards set my hand was shaking but I'm a good actor I could do this. Though my feelings I did not have to act.

Skylar pov
I hook my tether to the top of the building and jump down I got intale that Miles would be here. I load my pistol ready to see him. I here the sound of leaves crunching since it's mid-October I get ready to shoot. We he jumps behind me I see sea green eyes but I can't get distracted I start to shoot and doge the    bullets he was shooting at me. I hit him in the shoulder a clean shot then I feel a shoot of pain in my gut I was shot. I fall to the ground knocking myself out.
Miles pov
I shot her in the gut I should take her to boss but I still have a whole year I go over to her even though I'm in pain she was in worse I get me med kit from my suit I inject her with a healing serum and she wakes up she shot up and knock me to the ground on top of my she said I will shoot you right in the head calm down I said I just saved your life fine she said rolling her eyes she grabs her healing serum out of her suit and stabs me better she said standing up dusting off her legs. I walk up to her and kiss her
Alex's pov
We started to film and I stand up dusting off my knees knowing the kiss is coming I was had to stop my hands from shaking I look at Walker as he is standing up he walks towards me and places his hand on my face pulling me in I felt him lips on mine I kissed back then the director yelled CUT!!
I look over to see Walker his awkward self he walks to the director and shakes his head then walks to me the take was good he said good I said we start to walk back to our trailers as we get to mine walker said ready for the next seen I go back towards him and kiss him on the lips I could feel his hand move to my waist as mine is in his hair I let go and start to walk the other way yeah I say with a smirk and the I go in my trailer and shut the door.


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